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How to replace rangehood filter?

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How to replace rangehood filter?

Hi Everyone


I recently brought an apartment and moved in last week. I need to replace the grease filter for the rangehood and it appears damaged. Looks like the tenant didn't take care of it very well.


I cannot tell which model it is but I am guessing its a simpson model  and an old rangehood since that is the brand the stove is.


Just want to check if any filter crease replacement (approx 55 cm x 30 cm) will fit so do I need to find one that is specific to the manufactures?


I have uploaded some photos as well. 


Thanks in advance.



Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Thanks Jacob,

this is a photo of my filter - it measures roughly 54x34cm. It’s a much older style and size. I think even the manufacturer has folded! 

I’ve been able to open it up and can see it is filled with something that looks like steel wool mesh or similar. Is that something I could use in being experimental as you say?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Hi @Tom3486,


You could replace the material with some of this Cut To Size Filtamat.


Let me know what you think.




Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Thanks Jacob! I will give it a go!

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