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How to replace rangehood filter?

Getting Established

How to replace rangehood filter?

Hi Everyone


I recently brought an apartment and moved in last week. I need to replace the grease filter for the rangehood and it appears damaged. Looks like the tenant didn't take care of it very well.


I cannot tell which model it is but I am guessing its a simpson model  and an old rangehood since that is the brand the stove is.


Just want to check if any filter crease replacement (approx 55 cm x 30 cm) will fit so do I need to find one that is specific to the manufactures?


I have uploaded some photos as well. 


Thanks in advance.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Joker2021. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about rangehood filters.


Although some rangehood filters fall into standardised sizing, 55 cm x 30 cm doesn't appear to suit any of the filters we stock. To find a replacement, you'll likely need to contact the supplier to see if they have one available. 


When you remove the old filter see if you can find the model tag number inside the rangehood. It is sometimes placed inside the rangehood itself.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Getting Established

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Thanks EricL


I tried that yesterday but looks like the model number has disappeared 😢.

Guess it might be a guessing game at this point. 


I tried to clean the filter yesterday and OMG had to clean it twice with hot water and baking soda and still there was grease remaining on it.


Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Easy off oven cleaner works really well. Wear PPE and give a generous spray of it both sides. Wait for an hour and rinse it with water.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Hi @Joker2021,


The range hood I have at home is very similar to yours. It took some searching to find the model number in mine, but it turned out to be on a silver sticker inside the housing. It was hidden above the fan, obscured from view.


From my research with suppliers, inside the range hood appears to be the most common place for the identifying sticker. It can sometimes require a mirror as it can be on the inside of the front face of the range hood.


If you can't locate a model number to find a replacement, I have had some success using De-Solv-it 125ml Sticky Spot and Stain Remover with a scourer, to remove the heavy grease stains on my range hood and its filters, but this was not a perfect method.


If you can find a model number, this would be the best way to fix the issue.


Let me know what you think and if you have any luck finding a model number.




Community Megastar

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Morning @Joker2021 

Sorry cant help with the model but can suggest using a spraycan of degreaser you get from an auto store. Works a dream and generally you can get several spray cans for $10-$15



Getting Established

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Thanks JacobZ, unfortunately no luck in locating the model number so guess it back to square one.



Getting Established

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Thanks Dave-1, will give it a try. 

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?


Hi, I wondered how you went with this. I have a similar problem - cleaned a filter, unfortunately a little roughly and now the filter is dropping steel wool particles and won't stop. My exhaust is an old model and I do not believe I will be able to find a replacement. Could I use some steel wool to fill instead?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace rangehood filter?

Hi @Tom3486,


Allow me to tag @Joker2021 so they are notified of your question.


Is it possible to get some photos of your rangehood alongside some dimensions of the filter?


There may be a similarly sized rangehood filter that can be used.


We should try to rule out a replacement before we get experimental.


Let me know how go.




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