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How to replace cracked Omega OC65TA electric cooktop?

Just Starting Out

How to replace cracked Omega OC65TA electric cooktop?

Our current cooktop Omega OC65TA cracked today. Looking for a replacement of similar type.

Current  cooktop is hard-wired and Is placed on a ceasor stone bench top, please see details below.

Would like some electric cooktop or induction cooktop recommendations and installation procedures.

Please provide approximate cost range for professional installation.

Thank you for your assistance.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to replace cracked Omega OC65TA electric cooktop?

Afternoon @tissa 

Welcome to the Bunnings community page :smile: Definently a good place to wander through for an answer.


I just had a look at induction cooktops and saw one that has the same sized cutout as your old one.

Bellini 60cm Induction Cooktop 


There are a range that you could go through, just keep an eye out for the cutout size so it matches what you have now.

Induction cook tops 

You will need an electrician to install it as it is hardwired. Plus remove the old one.


Bunnings do not have Electricians on their books, I would just have a quick look for Stove repairs in google for your local area. Generaly I will get three quotes/approximations of the costs and then Choose the one that was the most resonable in responses. :smile:




Just Starting Out

Re: How to replace cracked Omega OC65TA electric cooktop?

Thank you very much Dave for your very valuable suggestions,  Appreciated. 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to replace cracked Omega OC65TA electric cooktop?

Hello @tissa 


Allow me to Welcome you as well to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your electric cooktop.


@Dave-1's advice is spot on, I'm sorry but the store does not endorse any trades. Your best course of action is to google for stove repairs in your area as Dave has mentioned. Or you could post it on Airtasker or Hipages. 


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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