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How to fix oven door making squeaking noise?

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How to fix oven door making squeaking noise?

Hi guys,


My 1-year-old Smeg gas oven door is making a squeaking noise. Is CRC 75ml Silicone Grease the right product to lubricate the door hinge? If not, what's the right product to lubricate itScreenshot 2024-03-09 at 9.47.04 AM.png Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 9.49.42 AM.png

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: oven door making squeaking noise

Hi @mike1360,


Silicone would be a reasonable choice, but you might have more luck getting it into the hinge in spray form with WD-40 300g Specialist High Performance Silicone Lubricant. The can comes with a little straw nozzle, which is handy when directing the spray to internal parts like hinges. I suspect the grease would be difficult to apply unless you were to disassemble the hinge.


Given that the oven is only a year old, I'd encourage you to contact the manufacturer to determine the correct lubrication and whether they've experienced this issue before and have an advised procedure to rectify it.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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