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How to fix no water flowing through under kitchen sink to dishwasher?

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How to fix no water flowing through under kitchen sink to dishwasher?

Hi all,


Hoping you can help, there seems to be no water flowing into number 4 even though it shares the same plumbing as 1-3. I've tried turning the blue knob handle all different ways & still doesnt allow water to flow through to 4.


1. Drinking water filter - water works fine with good pressure

2. Hot water - water works fine with good pressure

3. Cold water - water works fine with good pressure

4. Dishwasher - no water flow at all, even after turning the blue knob handle open


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix no water flowing through under kitchen sink to dishwasher?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @paulyg24. It's fantastic to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about water flow.

If water is making it to the smaller blue lever handle, there's an issue with the larger tap attached to the dishwasher hose. I don't believe the smaller blue handle shuts off or allows water to bypass to the dishwasher tap. It simply isolates the water filter. So, if you can turn the larger blue handle several rotations anti-clockwise, and there is still no flow, I'd say it has a stuck valve. Have you tested that it's not the dishwasher having issues by removing the hose off the tap and checking for flow?


I note in your image that the dishwasher tap appears to be completely turned off. You can tell this as the blue handle rests against the copper body of the tap. Try turning it as far as you can anti-clockwise. You'll need at least two full rotations to allow water flow. If you still get nothing, you must investigate the issue by disassembling the tap or calling the professionals.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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