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How to fill holes from cabinet hinges?

Cultivating a Following

How to fill holes from cabinet hinges?

I need to replace the hinges on one of the kitchen cabinets .The old hinges used screws that were pretty big due to which there are these two big holes on the side .The news hinges I bought from Bunnings have very thin screws so I am unable to get the news hinges on.

Can someone suggest the best way to fill these holes that will not only allow me to redrill holes but also will be strong enough to hold the weight of the door ?


Cultivating a Following

Re: Help ! Whats the best way to fill these holes ?


 Fill the hole with some puff pastry. And use this one.  :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Help ! Whats the best way to fill these holes ?

Hi @Mark270481,


Thank you for your question about replacing cabinet hinges.


The easiest way is to fill the holes with Builder's Bog.


It can be drilled and screwed into and is more than capable of supporting a hinge. I have made the same repair, which has been holding strong for over two years at this point.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




Cultivating a Following

Re: Help ! Whats the best way to fill these holes ?

Thanks @JacobZ @for your response…I’ll try that and send out and update on how I went 

Cultivating a Following

Re: Help ! Whats the best way to fill these holes ?

I have one of these but the holes still line up and because the one under is bigger it has nothing to hold onto 

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