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How do I remove the cartridge from a Moderna tap to clean it?

Just Starting Out

How do I remove the cartridge from a Moderna tap to clean it?


I need to remove the cartridge from my moderna tap.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how do I remove the cartridge from a moderna tap to clean it?p

Hello @stooci 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Its sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your tapware. 


Are you by chance referring to a Mondella kitchen pullout tapware? The picture you've posted is called the Vege Spray Head. Can you please tell us a little bit more about what's been happening with your tap? Has it been leaking or has the head been malfunctioning?


If it has been leaking the the ceramic cartridge is located near the tap handle and not the spray head. But if the spray head has not been working properly you can replace it with a generic head such as the Kinetic Bell Style Vege Sprayhead.


Generally speaking, in order to replace the cartridge from your tapware, the handle must be removed first. Once the handle has been taken off you then remove the cover shield followed by the locking nut. Once all three items have been removed you can slide the cartridge out.


Here are some discussions regarding cartridge replacement.



If you need further assistance, please let us know.





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Just Starting Out

Re: how do I remove the cartridge from a moderna tap to clean it?p

Thank you Eric, I'll check those links tomorrow. The tap is as you described...the pull out model. It is only about 3 weeks since I had it installed, but yesterday I had a heat bank hot water system installed, and the initial flush through had some "fibres" or something in it that are caught in the wire mesh in the tap. I am wanting to remove it so I can clean it. The tap itself us performing well.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how do I remove the cartridge from a moderna tap to clean it?p

Hello @stooci 


If that's the case, I suggest bringing the Vege Sprayer out to the garden and use your garden hose to do a reverse flow procedure to clean it. Generally, all you need to do is to set your garden hose to a streaming or jet function if it has one and point it towards the outlet of the Vege Sprayer. This will force any debris caught in the aerator to flow back out to the other side.


The other way to do it is to use the special circular wrench that came with your tapware. If by chance you still have the accessory kit that came with your tap you should find a circular plastic wrench that has special teeth on it that will allow you to remove the aerator. If it is no longer in your possession, you'll need to do the reverse flow cleaning.


If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.




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Just Starting Out

Re: how do I remove the cartridge from a moderna tap to clean it?p

Thanks again Eric  however it seems my luck is out. When I purchased this about 4 weeks ago, we picked it from one that was on display, however, under the display models, there was only one left, and that box had been opened. I checked that all the components were there, and as far as I could tell they were. Not knowing there was an accessory kit with a special spanner that was supposed to be there it looked complete to me...which, as it turned out it was...except there was no accessory kit. I noticed when I was in the shop yesterday that a number of the display taps had pieces missing, so I guess it is a common occurrence that people help themselves to what they want...a sad indictment of today's world. I have already tried the reverse flush...unsuccessfully. Are you able to tell me if the aerator unscrews or does it just clip in? I don't suppose there's a chance one of these spanners could be ordered?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how do I remove the cartridge from a moderna tap to clean it?p

Hi @stooci,


Yes, unfortunately, it is fairly common for this kind of thing to happen. It's incredibly frustrating I must say.


My suggestion is to head back to your local store with your receipt and speak to the team on the Special Orders desk. They will either take one from another box if they are available or will be able to order a replacement part for you.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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