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How can i repair this heatstain on benchtop?

Just Starting Out

How can i repair this heatstain on benchtop?

Hello I was wondering if anyone has some advice on how to repair these marks ( the two lines beside the sink) from the worktop I believe it could be a heat marks caused by putting something hot on the worktop but am not certain. The marks feel gritty.
Any recommended products/ advice would be appreciated. 


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: how can i repair this mark/heatstain from the worktop

Hi @jshort 


I might use  some car wax or non cutting compound  polish.


Or  some silicone spray


maybe some clear cooking oil


The idea is to restore the benches shine  with a clear coat the underneath colors should then seam better.


Its one of those things we need to try and see,

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how can i repair this mark/heatstain from the worktop

Hi @jshort,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


@Jewelleryrescue has already provided some great solutions for your issue that are more or less what I'd recommend.


Do you know what the benchtop is made of? Is it gritty while its surroundings are smooth?


It sounds likely that it is laminate-coated chipboard, and the heat has slightly melted the top layer of the surface,


If that is the case, you'll have to take a trial-and-error approach.


I'd start with a mild abrasive cleaner like Gumption. Use a damp cloth to gently work it into the stain in a circular motion then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Dry the surface and see what you think.


If this doesn't fix the problem, try using Glitz 250g Furniture And Surface Polish. Use the same process of working it in a circular motion and then wiping off the excess and inspecting.


If you still have issues after trying these methods, please let me know and I'll try to assist further.




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