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D.I.Y. kitchen notice board

diy-kitchen-notice-board (6).jpg


I was asked if I could make one of these for a friend. She had seen one but It came with a hefty price tag for what it was. She wanted a board that she could hang on her kitchen wall and the family could leave messages for each other. It could be used as a shopping list, to do list. It can be used for anything


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I used scrap plywood for this project. I measure out my board and cut it 120cm x 60cm.




 I cut 2 smaller strips of wood 60cm x 5cm. These are to hold the paper in place as it comes off the roll. I cut another piece of wood 60cm x 7cm this is for the bottom for the chalk to sit on. I sanded them all down and used a wood router to remove all the edges.


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 I used a router with a groove bit to cut 2 channels for the chalk to sit on so they don't keep rolling off. I stained the wood and added 2 coats of clear polyurethane.


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You need to make your board according to the size of kraft paper you are able to get. Mine was 450mm x 50m.

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To hang the paper roll I used an old curtain rod and rod hooks. I screwed the hooks into the top of the board and the paper roll sits on the hooks and rolls down.

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I pulled the paper down to the bottom of the board and screwed the 2 support pieces of wood into the base. These will hold the paper in place while you write on it. To attach the bottom lip for the marker pens to sit on. I drilled pilot holes through the board and clamped the lip in place and screwed it in from the back. And that is a simple notice board that can be used for anything. And that is my board all put together. To see a full detail step by step tutorial.




Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: DIY Kitchen Notice Board

Love it! Many thanks for sharing such a fantastic project @AnitaH25. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.




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Re: DIY Kitchen Notice Board

Thank you, I will post some new ones soon.
Amassing an Audience

Re: DIY Kitchen Notice Board

@AnitaH25 What an awesome creation! As @Jason said please do keep them coming, I'm loving the inspiration! 

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Re: DIY Kitchen Notice Board

Thank you I have lots more just need time to add them. 

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