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Adding an extension to current benchtop

Just Starting Out

Adding an extension to current benchtop

Hi all, I'm thinking of adding an extension to current benchtop as breakfast bar.


I've never done similar project so not sure if my idea works. 


This is my current benchtop, 154cm x 64cm.



Got an online idea like this



Without breaking existing benchtop I'm thinking of adding a laminate on top of it.



Apologize for my poor drawing, does this idea work? What's the usual bar depth? For an example of 30cm depth, should I put 30cm on overlapping section? What should I use to glue the extension to current? Suppose I'll screw the 3 shelf brackets to cupboard and pine, how do I connect the pine to extension? Basically I want to make sure the extension is well supported and robust. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: adding an extension to current benchtop

Hi @kaacu,


Welcome to the Workshop community and apologies for the slow reply. 


Many thanks for the great photos and drawing, they really help other members to see what you are working with and have planned. You might also want to share a wider shot of the whole area or a floor plan so that members also get a wider perspective of your home. Your photos suggest that your extension might block a doorway to your deck area? 


I'm sure Workshop members will be happy to assist as we have helpful members sharing advice and inspiration on the site every day.






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Amassing an Audience

Re: Adding an extension to current benchtop

It would be good to get a wider view of your kitchen but on first impressions it doesn't seem a great idea. I'd be concerned it looks tackled on and is an obstruction. Have you got other options/locations you could consider for a breakfast bar?

Just Starting Out

Re: adding an extension to current benchtop

Thanks Jason and Marty for your reply, behind that it's a window to the deck, so the extension doesn't block any doorway.


I'm just checking if the extension is technically possible on my existing benchtop like what's described in the draft if that makes sense.

Finding My Feet

Re: Adding an extension to current benchtop



Hi, wondering if you ended up doing this and how it turned out? :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Adding an extension to current benchtop

Hi @AshCae,


This discussion is from some time ago, so if @kaacu doesn't get back to you, feel free to start your own discussion, and our helpful members can assist you with the project. 




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Re: Adding an extension to current benchtop

20240523_130620.jpg 20240523_130634.jpg

Not the best looking but it's practical. Not only for quick meal but also serves as extended food prep area.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Adding an extension to current benchtop

That looks great, @kaacu. Much better than what I presumed it would.


Well done, and many thanks for sharing. I trust @AshCae appreciates the update.




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