The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.


Help for gardening projects
Cultivating a Following

Hi All, Planning to do backyard for my house and looking for some suggestions, The lot is an East facing one and we are planning to extend the Alfre ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

Hello. Anyone has idea is this a fungus in lawn?Also what type of grass is this? (As per google its kikuyu) There are dried patches. I am watering 3 ...

Getting Established
6 replies

Hello, I'm trying to figure out if the grass in my backyard appears to be Kikuyu, they do look similar but I'm no expert. Hoping someone could help m ...

Community Newcomer
1 reply

Finding My Feet
6 replies

Hi everyone, I’m new to camellia . I bought this Camellia Cinammon Cindy from Bunnings last week. There are lots of buds on the plant. I’m loving it! ...

Growing in Experience
16 replies

hi everyone, my golf ball plants have been doing well for a few years with minimal and recently some of them have developed black spots and one of t ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi, The picture attached is one of the garden beds, it is beside an established hedge (one of the common hedge shrubs). I was trying to dig and prepar ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

My partner and I recently purchased a home in Frankston area and we are not familiar with houses on stumps as they don't have them in Europe or the US ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi,I need help identifying this invasive grass that is taking over my fescue lawn. It has long thick runners and tough blades. I'm not a fan and would ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

Hello wonderful folks! I have got an Ozito Line Trimmer PXLTS-1830 that has been a trusty companion until I managed to lose the spool and springs (arg ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

I just put in a large planter box for semi-dwarf citrus (5' wide x 3' deep) as part of a landscape project and would love suggestions on what to fill ...

Just Starting Out
7 replies

Hi everyone my eucalyptus baby blue is turning brown and drying out after stems or trees       died. Can anyone help identify what disease or fungu ...

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Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects