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Hi everyone
my eucalyptus baby blue is turning brown and drying out after stems or trees
died. Can anyone help identify what disease or fungus this might be and suggest how i can treat it?
Hi @Ritchi,
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. We trust you'll receive loads of help and inspiration for all your projects around the house and garden from our wonderful members.
Unfortunately our resident Bunnings D.I.Y. expert is out of commission for the rest of the day due to the Queensland cyclone. Let me tag a few helpful members in @Noelle, @robchin and @mich1972 to see if they can assist.
Thanks for your patience,
Good afternoon @Ritchi It could be a couple things. First of all , it looks like it is in a pot ? If so , it could be poor drainage. It may need to be repotted into a larger pot , making sure to use a Native Planting Mix. Also , it looks like something else is growing in there with it and died off ? and now this is going to sound crazy but I am going to say it....... Look like it is sitting up against a fence ? I wondered if the the stems are rubbing against the timber beams causing damage to the stems.
If it was a fungal issue the leaves would be dying off as well.
This is just my opinion , I'll tag @Noelle into the conversation as i would like to get her opinion on it.
Could I please ask if you could post a photo or two of the whole plant including if it's in a pot or in the ground.
Good luck and hopefully this may help you.
Yes I agree with @mich1972 - it does not look disease at all. And yes, I think it should either be repotted or planted out, without whatever else seems to be growing in the same pot.
Another thing to keep in mind is that eucalypts do shed bark as they grow! The green wood continues to grow and expand while the bark layer doesn't - it cracks and eventually peels away so that is another possnile cause for the appearance of the main stem.
Hi @Ritchi,
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.
I'm glad to see that our helpful members have jumped in with some advice.
Hopefully, they have been able to address your questions.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
It's not leaning against the wall, I just let it near the wall to take pictures. The dry spots on the stem will gradually dry out, and the stems die. i lost some trees. I think it might be a fungus that caused the complete drying out right there on the stems but i dont know how. Thanks!
The leaves on the stem will still grow normally, until this area dries out completely then the
branch will die. I have lost some plants. Thanks!
Hello @Ritchi
It's great that you've received excellent advice from @Noelle and @mich1972. The only other thing I can suggest is to check the roots of the plant to make sure that it has not been infected with a fungus such as root rot. If the plant has been in the same pot for many years, it might be root bound and probably needs new soil and a larger container. When you repot the plant make sure to inspect the roots very well before covering it with soil. Should you find anything unusual make sure to take a photo and share it with the community.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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