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I need help identifying this invasive grass that is taking over my fescue lawn. It has long thick runners and tough blades. I'm not a fan and would like to know how to get rid of it.
Good Evening @Cheekymoggy
Id like to say Howdy and offer a warm welcome to the Community Grass and types of it is definently a popular subject in here.
The grass looks like kikuyu (pretty much my lawn 🐵 tho would rather your fescue lawn for sure.
I havnt had a lot of success with weed/lawn control fertilizers. I have had more success over time removing the offending weeds, (runners for you) as you find them. I figure that way, you are disturbing the surrounding area less so compared to nuking it with something. (Ive done that to remove weeds and they still came back! argghh lol)
Will tag a couple of others that might be able to help @Noelle , @mich1972 and @EricL
Hello @Cheekymoggy
Thanks for sharing your question about your Fescue lawn. Stopping Kikuyu stolons from invading your fescue lawn can be tricky since Kikuyu spreads aggressively. The best approach combines physical barriers, regular maintenance, and selective treatments.
Installing a deep edging barrier (at least 10–15cm deep) between the Kikuyu and fescue lawn can help block the underground rhizomes, while regular edging with a spade or trimmer will keep surface stolons from creeping over. Mowing the Kikuyu slightly shorter than the fescue and frequently trimming the boundary will prevent it from spreading into weaker areas.
Hand-removing creeping stolons from the fescue lawn as soon as you notice them will stop Kikuyu from taking root. If it has already spread into the fescue and you are looking for a more aggressive approach, a non-selective weed killer such as Yates 1L 490g/L Zero Weed Killer Super Concentrate applied directly to Kikuyu patches using a sponge applicator or paintbrush will target only the runners without harming surrounding fescue.
Keeping your fescue lawn thick and healthy with proper watering, aeration, and fertilising will also help it outcompete Kikuyu and slow its spread.
Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when using chemicals.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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