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Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Getting Established

Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?




I recently bought some 3m Jarrah sleepers from Bunnings (200x50mm) in two batches.


The two sleepers in the first batch had some large cracks but looked fairly straight so I wasn’t bothered. When I started cutting down the lengths I noticed that the cracks were very problematic as the wood was more warped than I had realised. 


The last sleeper was in excellent condition as it was part of a new wood delivery, and I immediately regretted buying

the first two sleepers! 

Would you recommend I continue with my build despite the cracks and warping, hoping that the fixings “straighten” out the timber, or would this be a) dangerous as the timber may split or b) stupid as the chances of rot will increase with the presence of the cracks?


I am about to put this all together in a raised veggie garden but thought I’d better ask the question of this group beforehand in case I do anything more silly than I already have by buying warped sleepers!




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @gigi85. It's terrific to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about sleepers.


So sorry to hear you've had an issue with your sleepers. It's always best to work with non-cracked and straight sleepers. There is a good chance the cracks will continue to worsen and potentially split right through.


I'd encourage you to return them to the store of purchase to discuss a replacement for more of the straight lengths. Given that you've already cut them, it would be best to speak with a manager, and I trust they will find a suitable solution.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Getting Established

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Thanks Mitchell, the manager’s manager ended up helping me out with a refund because the wood was split all the way down the middle along the length. Learning for me to look out for this next time, and also to avoid buying the last remaining lengths of wood as they’re usually last for a reason 😅 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Hello @gigi85 


I'm glad you got the sleepers sorted out. Did you purchase a new set of sleepers? Please don't forget to post an update once you've built your raised vegetable garden. I'm sure our members will be keen to see the results.


If you need further assistance regarding your raised garden bed, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Unfortunately not, there weren’t many sleepers left and on close inspection I noticed some cracking/bend on those too. Will wait for a new delivery and keep everyone posted with the build 😀

Getting Established

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Well, I finished my mini project and safe to say I had a few learnings along the way 😅


I didn’t realise it at the time but I went with a “butt joint” and whilst it seemed easy, it basically needed perfection in terms of my cutting lengths (which I didn’t get with my handsaw and measuring skills


I also got to learn that sleepers are not a standard size, so a 3metre 200mm x 50mm piece could be millimetres off…this became a problem when I went to fit things together


I’m reasonably satisfied with the end product but maybe I should go and do a joinery course before trying again!



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Should I build a raised vege garden with a cracked/bent jarrah sleeper?

Hi @gigi85,


Thanks for sharing the finished project, I think you've done a magnificent job on your new veggie garden. I'm sure you'll be able to grow some wonderful things for many years to come.


I'm not 100% sure why but sleepers are often very slightly over their advertised length. I suspect it is because they are a rough timber product, so the supplier ensures they are at least their advertised length but do not calibrate their saws to cut them too precisely.


Did you have any plans for what to grow in your new veggie garden? 


You might like to have a look at Nine Easy Vegies To Grow for some ideas.


Congratulations on a fantastic project.




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