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Do you think clover should be killed off?

Making a Splash

Do you think clover should be killed off?

Hi everyone.


I recently Googled for tips to kill off the clover on my lawn after not having great success in previous years with off-the-shelf products. I was surprised to read that some people think it actually helps the lawn, offering nitrogen and keeping other weeds down. It’s also apparently good for bees.


What do you think, should I leave it alone? I’m just worried one day it will completely take over and I won’t have any grass left… You can see here that it doesn't look great. 







Building a Reputation

Re: Do you think clover should be killed off?

Lawns are often a monoculture of just one plant, and that's a bad thing for the soil.  Clover (or a mix of grasses) is far better for the soil and for the environment.  In the end, it's your yard. If you don't like the way that the clover looks then you can attempt to get rid of it, but it is helping keep your lawn healthy.


Also, if you have family that are allergic to bees, or small children who inevitably attract bee stings, then reducing the amount of clover is probably going to be a good thing.


You can use the boiling water to kill the plant method - just don't get boiling water on your lawn because it'll die too.

Re: Do you think clover should be killed off?

Thank you, I will give boiling water a try. 

Getting Established

Re: Do you think clover should be killed off?

There are many varieties of clover. I am replanting my lawn with a low growing version to save money and work. My desire is to cater for butterflies, and other insects.

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