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what bushy type plants can I grow in pots on my side patio for privacy that can be bought at Bunnings
Hi @tisme,
If you are after bushy plants a good place to start would be with our range of screening and hedge options. You'll find these varieties are selected to fill out quite quickly and with adequate pruning to their height will be perfect for privacy around your home.
What sized pots were you planning on growing them in and to what height did they need to screen?
at least 2 meters high I have ceramic type pot that is 33cm wide and 38 cm deep , and plastic pot that is 41cm wide and 36cm deep
In my experience, I would believe that those pots are slightly too small to grow a bushy plant that is 2 meters tall. You'd undoubtedly grow a plant to that height but it would struggle to achieve much mass. This is because the amount of tree branch structure roughly reflects its roots system. The more confined the roots, the fewer branches there are. Is there any chance you could step the pots up to something like the Yates 500mm Tuscan Round Plastic Pot or perhaps plant them in the ground?
i live in a rental so in the ground isnt likely but i will check out the pots u mentioned
Well that explains why my potted palms have very few branches - but I dont wanna dig holes sigh
Id like to put raised garden beds around Patio - but are unsure of the best plants, is there any natives that are suitable?
Hi @Cole_73,
Raised garden beds sound like a great idea, and some Australia native species would be suitable. You might like to consider Bottlebrushes, Coastal Rosemarys, Callistemons, Grevilleas or Lilly Pillys. Native hedges are often open and airy in their growing habits, and you must prune them to provide adequate screening. If left to grow naturally, you'll find most times they will end up quite lanky.
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