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Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

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Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

Hi all,

Just finished lining my SheShed with 7mm bracing ply (cheap&easy) but of course it does make me feel like I'm in a big packing crate 😬. Don't want to just paint it all in regular white paint, I was thinking to whitewash/limewash it to lighten up all the timber but still keep it a bit rustic. Has anyone whitewashed timber ply before? If so, any tips? Thanks in advance. Here's the ply going on...shed is 3.3 x1.8 x 2.3high, 4 windows so good light



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Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

We did it with watered down paint. One person rolled the paint on while the other wiped it off with a rag. We did a light coat first and ended up doing a second to darken the colour. We sealed it with a clear coat for protection not needed but as an art studio helps with cleaning. Do small sections at a time so it doesnt dry off. IMG_1915.jpg

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @LeighBuilds. It's sensational to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about whitewashing plywood.


If you follow the application directions whitewashing plywood with Feast Watson 1L Liming White would be the same as any other timber. On the Feast Watson product webpage, you'll find all the preparation and application instructions. Also, check out How to lime wash timber furniture by @prettyliving, as it will give you a good idea of the application technique.


You might like to consider the Feast Watson 4L Liming White Satin Timber Floor Stain And Varnish as it includes a clear satin polyurethane. There will be no need then to seal it separately.


As @JDE has mentioned, you can get a similar effect with standard white paint. 


This sounds like a fantastic project, and I can't wait to follow along.



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Getting Established

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

that great, many thanks JDE.  It looks so good. love your floor too.

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

thanks Mitchell, I'll check out those products.

I'll post some pics when it's all done :smile:

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

Looking forward to seeing the end results @LeighBuilds. Please let us know if you need any further assistance along the way.




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Finding My Feet

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?



These finishes truly are trial and error. I trialled on lots of ply before finding the best solution for an attic trussed space.
The 3-part water to 1 part paint didn’t look even enough. Therefore, I trialled the two Resene whitewashes. I preferred the one that has a more natural finish. I polyurethaned over the top. 
My second project I’m struggling with. It leads into a white painted gibbed area. I was told to mix 1-part white paint to 1-part gloss and 1-part water. But It’s too white. So today I’m going to trial it again with 2-parts water. I’ll have to remove the paint I’ve done, apparently turps lifts it.

my advice then is don't do it until you have the mix right. Also, only roll the roller one way as all cross strokes will show. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Tips for whitewash on ply walls in the She Shed?

Hi @Margs_,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community it is great to have you with us. 


Thank you for sharing your experience with us, it is always good to see varied projects that tackle the same issues.


Please continue to share your project with us, it'd be great to see the progress and eventual finished project.




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