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Life changes

When life throws one a number of curve balls that prevent us from under taking the things we like to do, getting out into workshop, gardening, ect we begin to wonder what is left to do. Due to the changes I have to make that prevent me from doing what I like, I took a new direction in my life.

I decided to attack what frightened me the most, that was wood turning. Put me on a centre lathe, a milling machine or any of that good stuff I am at home. But no not wood turning as I have seen what has happened to other for what ever the reason. So the challenge was on.

the last 5 months has seen me learn new and challenging thing. The use of different hand tools, different gluing methods, the use of acrylics, working with different types of wood, threading wood and acrylics and I am just touching the surface.  So if you feel the coronavirus is causing you a problem. take a different direction learn something new. At 70 I think I am doing well.

Here are a few of the thing I have turned up and in some cases made some money to buy the tools I need to do the wood turning with.


Current job I am working on & waiting for more cracks to form Current job I am working on & waiting for more cracks to formJust some of the work turned Just some of the work turned

Well its back to the drawing board the vase shattered while turning!!

Just a little set back with the vase moved on to something different with this shaving kit. My focus was on the style from the past with the barrel of the stand and the handle of the razor.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Life changes

Wonderful post Ron (@r23on). I've long admired your fascination with understanding the way things work, and the fact that you still love learning and challenging yourself. Thank you so much for sharing this. It's absolutely beautiful work. 


Look out for lots of complements and questions from the community!


I'd also encourage you to share some of your favourite wood turning projects separately so we can feature them on the project gallery and members and visitors alike can more easily find them. Maybe you could start with that amazing vase you're currently working on. 


Thanks again,




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Re: Life changes

Hi Jason

Thanks for the great comments. Perhaps creating this discussion there may be other wood turner out there that would like to shear their work and discuss how they did things and what tools they used and where to acquire various timbers and materials. from time to time Bunnings has had the odd lathe for anyone wanting to try their hand, but that's where it stops just a lathe.

With wood turning we are only governed my our own inspirations. I consider myself lucky I was able to mix with a great group of turners who have guide my hand. Which like all projects its the passing of knowledge to others. So I hope there are a few other out there who are interested in chatting and shearing information


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Life changes

Thanks for the feedback Ron (@r23on). Is it via your Men's Shed that you've been able to find a group of other turners? 


Let me tag some of the keen woodworkers to see if there are others who might like to join in this discussion. 

















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Re: Life changes


My my attack on my fear was inspired because I felt I had not left to challenge me, but chatting with a member of the shed he helped me make this decision. I joined another group of woodworkers / turners, and as I said they are a great group only to willing to challenge me. Boy do they do that ie did you see what i did then the decision starts with others giving it ago. However many Mens sheds do provide the opportunity to learn


Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Life changes

I found my local shed was not a good match for me, so I ended up joining Western Woodworkers who are part of Woodgroups SA. The discounts from retailers on selected products was a good sweetener to get me to join.


There are lathes available and people willing to teach, I want my own lathe though and the 15% off by being a member makes it that bit easier to do. Them having a drum sander makes my life a bit easier and it's another need for home as well. As we are on a break for a while we have a challenge to make something by adding wood. I am thinking segmented clock or one with an inlay.


Bonus I met someone new on the way home from my first meeting. 

Amassing an Audience

Re: Life changes

Hi Brad

Thanks for the reply.

While the shed has a lot to offer I found I could not make it due to my situation and as stated the challenge was on. The chap at the shed has many years under his belt and a top block as well. I found myself wanting more. The woodturning group I am with have been great, they also have many of the machinery that shed has so I can float between the two. The best thing so far, I was invited to make a set of pens for members of the armed forces serving over seas. Being x-military I got a great amount of joy from that.


Here are the set of pens I made. Each pen is made from Australian timbers



I have even made my own carbide turning tools, If you are interested I can send or post a copy of the drawing for the tools.(they will be PDF)

Carbatec are giving 15% off for all clubs and members. Do not by a lathe too small other wise you will find yourself wanting to get a larger unite I am now in that boat




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Life changes

Wish list Wish listWish list item I would like a Laguna but it is double the price before the 15% off so I would stick with Carbatec. Not sure if we can post a PDF here something @Jason would know.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Life changes

Heya @Brad,


We don't currently support file attachments but it's not a difficult addition for us to add to the site. We have felt in the past that it might not be a pressing need and there are obviously security implications of file sharing, but we are more than happy to introduce the functionality if the community would like it. 


In the meantime, I am always happy to help convert documents to image files if need be. Just email workshop@workshop.com.au if you ever need a hand. 






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Re: Life changes

don’t know much about carbatec machines (Chinese) most important is the variable speed. I am looking for a Vicmark lathe but they are a bit pricey 

do you use any cad programs I use Fusion 360 great application I could sent an autocad drawing.

Jason can pdf be sent as a pm?



Here are some photos of the carbide tools I made. only issue is one handle. Saved $400 +


the tools are interchangeable the tools are interchangeableIMG_2168.jpg

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