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How to stop garage epoxy coating peeling?

Growing in Experience

How to stop garage epoxy coating peeling?

Hi Community - I'm planning my second garage epoxy project for my new home and would love some advice. I completed my first project a couple of years ago using the following materials:

I’m happy with the results overall, but I have two key questions before starting my second project:

  • Are these products commercial grade? I've noticed that professionally done epoxy floor at my friends' places seem to have a much thicker epoxy layer. Is there a difference in quality or application technique?
  • Peeling Issue – I've noticed some peeling in my garage epoxy. What could have gone wrong during the application and what’s the best way to fix it now?

Would appreciate any tips or recommendations. Thanks in advance.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Garage Epoxy Coating - 2nd project

Hi @RK07,


I can only speak to our product, but it is for residential DIY use and wouldn't typically be considered a commercial-grade product. The Rustoleum product is designed to be applied with a roller. There are other products on the market that are designed to be poured on, which could result in thicker layers. However, they must be applied on very flat surfaces as they self-level.


Peeling generally occurs in the zones where hot tyres come to rest. These areas can be touched up with epoxy paint, and if you are going with the same colour for your second garage project, you can use that paint. These zones must be thoroughly degreased and etched before the painting process. Any contaminants in these areas can cause the paint to pull off when hot tyres are left over them.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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