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How to restore timber garden bench?

Just Starting Out

How to restore timber garden bench?

I am looking at restoring this bench to it's former glory, and am wondering what type of would would be best, and if it is sold at Bunnings.

Also, if I brought a piece in, would you be able to cut the new pieces to the correct sizes? )There are some pieces at the front about half as wide).

What could I use to paint or stain it, as well as weatherproof it.


Thank you for your help.





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What sort of wood should I use to restore this Garden Bench?

Hi @joelab,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


Timber can be crosscut to length to the nearest 100mm, but Bunnings stores do not have the capacity to rip-cut timber, so we will need to find the closest profile to your current ones.


You will have to use timber that is weather-resistant. This narrows things down to H3-treated pine or hardwood, such as merbau, which is naturally weather-resistant. If you can let me know the dimensions of the timber, I can point you in the right direction. Something like this 90 x 22mm H3 Treated Pine Decking or SpecRite 90 x 19mm Merbau Pre-Oiled Decking are likely good options.


To protect the timber, you can use exterior paint if you would like to use solid colours or decking oil if you'd like to keep the natural look of the timber.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Home Improvement Guru

Re: What sort of wood should I use to restore this Garden Bench?

Hi @joelab 

Is this the style where the slats must fit through cast iron eyelets therefore determining thickness and width?

Doesn't look like it.

I suggest hardwood.

I ripped mine from a hardwood pallet.

Cleaned the cast iron with a wire brush








Kind of a Big Deal

Re: What sort of wood should I use to restore this Garden Bench?

Hi @joelab 


Something that would be very close in both width and thickness would be lengths of 42mm x 19mm merbau screening. This would address not being able to have decking ripped down at Bunnings that @JacobZ mentioned. However as @Noyade highlighted, it needs to be thin enough to thread into the side arms. But you maybe be able to thin the ends down with sanding. They are already pre-oiled and have a smooth rounded edge. So, you might get away with simply cutting them to length.



Just Starting Out

Re: What sort of wood should I use to restore this Garden Bench?

Hi Jacob, and everyone else, thank you for your replies.

The timber is 1200 x 70 x 19 so hopefully there is something suitable available. I think I do have someone to be able to cut it to size if need be.


Thanks again everybody for your help.

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