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I have been tasked with possum proofing & lining this school shed with plywood to make it possum proof, cover the mesh gates with perspex (to allow for light) & cover the cracked concrete floor with rubber flooring. The top of the walls are mesh & will be covered with ply. I have parents/handyman willing to help at working bees but no one to take on ordering materials etc...
I need help working out what materials I need in what quantifies to get this started. We plan to put in shelves/cupboards this area will be used for storage & garden classes in bad weather. Pictures/plants attached
exterior mesh gates have to remain under bulding authority guidelines - will cover these in perspex
need to cover with ply to top of shed roof
exterior mesh - do I cover this or jsut put ply on inside and let this remain
Hi @Djthornbird,
That looks like a wonderful project. I see you already have notes on your plan for some quantities.
They've suggested 18 x Ecoply 2400 x 1200mm 9mm Plywood Pine Structural CD Grade for the walls. A 140 x 45mm H3 treated Pine plinth to run around the base of the entire room. There are no measurements on your plan, so I can't assist with the actual lineal metres required for that. For the roof, they've suggested 14 x Ecoply 2400 x 1200mm 7mm Plywood Pine Structural CD Grade, cut to 2400 x 900mm. They then have some additional 2400 x 900 sheets, though you might need to check with the designer as to where they will go. I believe they'll be used to fill the extra length needed to complete the roof lining.
They've specified Opal polycarbonate to be installed over the steel mesh panelled walls. Those sheets are 860mm wide, and once again, there are no measurements for me to refer to for quantity.
Regarding the mesh outside, it would likely be easiest to line the internal walls, blocking off this area inside. If you later wanted to change the exterior's aesthetic, you could cover over the mesh.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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