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I’m trying to join some prempanel timber acoustic panels together on a 90. I’ve cut them at a 45 but am wondering what would be the best way to fix the individual slats in addition with glue. Each slat is roughly 20mm
Hello @weekend-dad
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about securing the corners of the Prempanel panels.
I suggest looking at the Pony 5m Band Clamp. Once you place adhesive in the corners the band clamp should pull the corner of the panels together. But if you need it on multiple levels, I suggest building a tall timber jig in combination with standard ratchet straps to pull the corners of the panels closer together.
Let me call on our experienced members @JoeAzza, @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
Hi Eric
thanks for the help. I’ve got the clamping of it sorted I think
my question I think is more could I use something in addition with the glue to join them , pins, nails , biscuits ect. Wondering hat would be best given their small size
Hi @weekend-dad
Does the mitre actually join or do you need to fill the void as the photo shows about a 5-6mm gap?
The mitre will join, the plan is to make it look seamless. I’ve just got them sitting together like that for illustration purposes.
I think it is a plastic with a veneer so am also wondering what would be the most suited glue
Good Evening @weekend-dad
Is this the first one you have made or its the only one? If you are making more I would suggest to change your cutting lengths.
If this is the only one then I am thinking glue and biscuits or chamfers cut to size to fill the gap.
Any chance of a wider shot or a further back one as your project looks interesting
Hi @weekend-dad
@Nailbag brings up a good point. Will the corners actually meet up or do you need to fill it? I'm a little bit hesitant to suggest biscuits or nails as the pieces are quite small and it might crack the panel edges. In this particular instance, I can only suggest a heavy-duty adhesive.
Hi @weekend-dad
if they are those sound deadening panels then they are a soft timber wrapped with a wood look vinyl on a thick padded mat. They really are only designed to go flat on a wall butt joined. But I would use a high-grade wood glue and then tap in a long thin brad through each strip and fill in the head. They need a lot of support as thy are not very structurally sound at all. I used them on an outdoor deck ceiling and they took a lot of effort to join them and keep them there.
Evening @weekend-dad and @EricL
hahahahah Whoops, my description may have misslead. When I say "biscuits" I dont mean into the two corners but slipped between the to cut edges lik a wafer. Its to fill the space not actually go into each side of the panel.
Hi @weekend-dad
Thank you so much for the clarification! If that is the situation then cutting up biscuits into square inserts would be one way to fill the gaps of the Prempanel. I also suggest using 3mm plywood, but it would require more effort to cut the large panel into small square shapes.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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