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How to hang a 50kg boxing bag in garage?

Just Starting Out

How to hang a 50kg boxing bag in garage?




I am looking for the best way to hang a 50kg boxing bag in my home garage.


I am worried about damage to the roof and voiding insurance/ roof warranty.


The garage ceiling is plastered over with the wooden truss (unknown type) above supporting my tiled roof.


Is anyone able to assist with:

- the best and safest way to install something to support the boxing bag and protect my roof against the force generated from hitting it and moving the bag. Reddit/ Google mentions that a great deal of damage can be done by heavy boxing bags and the force created when it moves from punching/ kicking? But then some posts say it’s ok. So I’m left confused.

- whether I will void any insurance or roof warranty (not sure if anyone would know through experiences they’ve had).

- how to reduce sound and vibration noises/ shuddering from the movement of the bag.


Attached is a picture of the garage ceiling I’d like to affix the bag.


Thank you.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: 50kg boxing bag - home garage wood roof truss

Hi @DamoJS,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


Unfortunately, as a boxing bag swings, the load applied to your ceiling is no longer static and it becomes complex in nature. This means many variables, including the roof structure and truss design need to be considered. 


We get this question quite often, and our answer is always the same. If you'd like to hang a boxing bag from your ceiling or roof trusses, you will need to have a structural engineer assess its suitability.


Alternatively, there are great options for boxing bag stands available through Marketplace.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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