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How to extend patio down pipe drainage?

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How to extend patio down pipe drainage?

Hi Experts 

I am planning to lay brick pavers under my patio and in front of down-pipe area as well

Would you please suggest how can i extend drainage from down-pipe to storm water pit ( as shown in the picture ) , so pavers are not damaged in future


Thanks for your usual support 


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Extending Patio down pipe drainage

Hi @Mike_Hn,


It’s worth checking inside the pit to see if there are any existing stormwater pipes entering it. If there are, you’ll need to dig down to them and then trench from your downpipe to that point. A new underground pipe can then be installed to intersect with the existing stormwater line.


If there aren’t any pipes entering the pit, you might need to contact your local water authority to confirm if they own it and whether you’re allowed to use it for drainage. In either case, a licensed plumber will need to make the connections, so reaching out to one would be the best first step. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Extending Patio down pipe drainage

Hi @MitchellMc  , Thanks for your response to my query. Let me arrange for the same .

Good day 

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