Just Starting Out

How to epoxy a garage floor?

Hello Dear Community, 

Which Epoxy is recommended for my Garage floor? it's 2 car park, how many litres is enough ? From which store is recommended to buy.

Thanks 🙏 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Epoxy for Garage

Hi @Asme,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


Have a look at the Dy-Mark 8L Epoxy Coat Garage Floor Kit. The 8L kit is designed for a two-car garage.


It is stocked in most Bunnings stores. If you head to the product page and select your local store, it will tell you if they have any in stock.


Check out How To Epoxy A Garage Floor for some guidance on the process.


Let me know if you have any further questions.




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