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How to convert a shed into a studio?

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How to convert a shed into a studio?

Hi there, i would like to line my shed ceiling. Can  i use 3 Ply CD structural and how can i support it while attaching it also should i use screws or nails h



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: converting part of a shed into a studio

Hello @Lynn10 


Thanks for sharing your question about your shed. Installing plywood onto your shed ceiling is definitely possible. However, it depends on what kind of shed you have and if the structure of the roof can support the weight of the plywood. Looking at the current roof supports it's possible that extra timber framing might need to be added in order to support the plywood when screwed in. Please note that extra timber means added weight to the structure and so there will be a follow-on effect to the rest of the framing.


Between screwing and nailing, I propose screwing the panel in place as the screw heads provide a much better hold.


In order to execute this properly, I suggest engaging the services of a registered builder. They will be familiar with roofing and ceiling construction and will be able to properly add support to your roofing frame. They will also be able to recommend what thickness of plywood to use for your studio. My best advice is in regards to insulation, if you are planing on closing off your ceiling space, this would be the perfect opportunity to install insulation in the roof to reduce the temperature inside the shed.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @Nailbag for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Getting Established

Re: converting part of a shed into a studio

Thanks Eric for your advice, much appreciated 

Community Megastar

Re: converting part of a shed into a studio

Good Afternoon @Lynn10 

Love converting sheds into rooms, garages into rooms :smile: 

With your suggestion of plywood I am thinking that the existing supports wont carry the weight, Those plywood panels add up to a resonable amount of weight. As @EricL has suggested, adding supports brings that idea back into doable land.


How about using some Foilboard 2400mm x 1200mm x 10mm Green 10 Insulation Panel with a timber trim around the edge to fasten it between the rafters for the roof? It would insulate, may deaden the sound of rain. Its juts not solid like the plywood.


Other then that you could go the route of installing some new supports that help distribute the weight of the plywood panels. This heads towards a builders skill level and knowledge tho. 


How large an area are you thinking of sheeting the roof? Would a false roof be acceptable? (may be easier to construct) Is the floor concrete?

Im just going through potential ways you can get a ceiling clad :smile: I considered easycraft 2400 x 1200 x 9mm easyVJ100 Wall Lining Primed General Purpose MR MDF E0 with the same trim I suggested but run into the same weight carrying issue.



Getting Established

Re: converting part of a shed into a studio

Hello Dave, such a great idea to use the Foilboard i like that idea.  It will solve a lot issues.  And i can use the Easycraft to line the walls. The area is 5470mm x 2250 mm. Thanks again Lynn10

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: converting part of a shed into a studio

Hi @Lynn10 


I'm glad you're finding our suggestions useful. I also suggest thinking about air-conditioning and ventilation. Please note that the store provides Air Conditioning Installation, Roof Ventilation Installation and Skylight Installation which will all be useful for your studio.


Just a friendly reminder to our New Zealand members, please note that the use of foil insulation products is prohibited.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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