Growing in Experience

How to build a shed?

Hi all! I recently came across this build and was going to try replicating it (I have the exact same shed)!


I was hoping I could get some help and advice on the below;


- Lining the walls and the roof: What type of insulation material is needed? Any suggestions on brands? Shed is fully exposed to the sun and there's no shade so it gets very hot.

- For the plywood walls and ceiling: Does it attach directly to the metal framing of the shed? If yes, what type of nails/screws should I be using to attach to the metal frame? And, what tools would be required to accomplish this?

- Any suggestions for any required tools and materials for this build would be great!


I know it's a big project but I definitely think I can do it (might just take a long time :P).


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Re: How to build a shed?

Hi @KimNorman,


Let me tag that project creator @TheSaltyreefer to see if he can kick off the discussion for you.


You might also find this article helpful: How to you add insulation to a garage or shed?




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Re: How to build a shed?

Wow  @KimNorman  nothing like jumping in at the deep end :smile:  


Well its doable for starters  and like any project break it down into bite size steps you can do using the photos from the project to guide you.

Your sheds  built ok

1 ) Step one work out where you are adding power points and lights as the electrician needs  to run power before the walls are sealed up.


2) do you see the rails  holding the external metal cladding the walls  the roof?  I would add strips of  200mm x 19 mm ply  and use metal screws 40mm long (self drilling into thin steel)  add the strips of ply to interior the metal rails to give you an easy place to screw internal ply too using basic 40mm wood screws.

Now  you will have 200mm  ply boards covering the metal rails a good frame work the 200 mm strip also allows easy joining of ply sheets butt to butt. on top of  the 200mm strips 


3. Install  insulation batts into wall and roof cavity as you progress then cover with  10 mm ply walls and roof. ( !0 mm strong enough and cheaper than lots of 19mm thick ply.)  Drill holes and pull power / light cable  through  to the interior at the same time.


4 .build boxes around posts.

5 Sand prep ply  to your prefered standard and  paint.


Alternative lining that looks fantastic and is easy to do. and quite possibly a lot cheaper. Leave it nateral pine and varnish or  white  paint it.

Is ship lap pine timber that interlocks together as you put it up  a vertically to  easy attche to 200mm  ply rails as discussed. also it is lighter to manage and install.  The quantity you will need  you best special order it and get it delivered.


Photo of ship lap I used in my shed horizontially as I mounted to posts (vertical  not rails horizontal) so picture this pattern vertically


140 x 12mm 2.4m Lining Board Pine 321 I/N: 0042741 $8.80

I would  buy the 5 meter lengths  I  couldnt find  it on  bunnings web site.


  • Manufactured using sustainable plantation Radiata Pine
  • Tongue and groove finish for easy installation
  • Cost effective
  • High quality
Solid pine lining boards are made from 100% Radiata Pine for a smooth, uniform appearance and are precision milled for consistent high quality. Solid pine lining boards are a great choice for lining interior walls and ceilings.








Another way to insulate shed is to grow a big vine or tree over it but that takes time,

Insulation material  The ply wall will create a gap behind it which Thesaltyreefer added earth wool batts inside it.  Do you see the silver roof Thats a different type of insulation it is a heat relective material with a  foam core to stop heat transfer like sarking. This is best put on the sheds  rafters before the roofing sheets goes on for best results. Much harder to add post construction best to go to batts as used in walls.

The higher the R  rating more heat it blocks but thicker the batt and you wont be able to compress it into the  avaliable wall roof caverty.


Earth wool Batts are cut up and placed between the shed  wall and ply walls filling ever little gap for best results you can by all means use these batts in the roof space too in the exact same manner the trick here is to cut and position each batt as with the wall and then use some thing like duct tape or  cloth tape to hold the batts in position until the ply covers them.  Batt  tip cut them a little oversize 30mm as they are spongy and over size means they will compression fit and hold and seal better. in an angled roof. 


I recommend Earthwool I/N 0810602 (I/n  number  is bunnings stock code used in store) R2.5 as its thickness is 90mm only


Re: How to build a shed?

Wowow! This was incredibly helpful! Thank you so much!


The shed has already had electricity wired through which is a relief! 

Can I also just check should I be putting ply on both sides of the wool batts (sandwiching it)? I read something about moisture making them mouldy? Or would it be okay to have it straight against the metal shed wall? 
- Metal shed wall | Ply | wool batt | Ply?

Metal shed wall | wool batt | Ply?


 I'm so excited to take on a big project, essentially this space will be a half home gym and the other side will still be for my garden and powertools, with still enough space to fit my car (my hidey hole for when it hails haha)


 Again thank you! This community has been so helpful with my home improvements journey!

Re: How to build a shed?


Hi @KimNorman 


Condensation can occur on the inside of a shed wall and even though the  earthwood  is not harmed  as you said mold can develop if the moisture persists,  So Lets look at insulation for a solution before that happens.


Lets forget earthwool as it needs an air gap which is hard to  create against a  shed wall as regular houses earth wool sits in the timber frame away from the brick work,  I saw in the project shed example the use of earth wool so didnt want to rock the boat to much there  but your research  can be  proven to be true re moisture. at times.  The double ply wont work as  moisture will rot ply too if no air gap formed.


Lets go foil board as a great insulator for sheds  completly moisture proof and easy to DIY and pretty cost effective  we  will still use ply strips 150mm to 200mm ontop of  steel rails and rafters  thats a given.



So NEW  Configuration.    Steel wall, Air gap !! yess , Foilboard, Inner 10mm ply.

The air gap is insulation, the foil board is insulation, the ply also  is insulation. no moisture trap places so a  strong solution.


As your cutting ply10mm for the walls I would liquid nails the matching cut out shape or the foil board on to the back of the ply and form a single panel to screw into the  ply strips.  Later if you need to access under the panels it is all one unit ply and insulation as a bonus.


What you think of this plan.


Foilboard Green 15 x 2400 x 1200mm Insulation comes in different sizes and  packs )

I/N: 0125955 $41.90


  • Easy to DIY Install
  • High Thermal Performance
  • Australian Made
It’s the rigid insulation panel for under your floors, in your walls, in your roof and for those man-caves & sheds.

Manufactured in Australia from a fire retardant EPS (FR-EPS) with pure aluminum foil directly laminated to both sides, creating a SUPERIOR INSULANT, THERMAL BREAK and NON-PERMEABLE MOISTURE BARRIER.

Foilboard® GREEN has been engineered and designed to ensure a quick and easy installation of a non-itchy, fibre free rigid insulation panel that will provide high thermal performance for the life of the building.





Re: How to build a shed?

This sounds like a plan! Thank you so much for the help. I feel way more confident now going into the project. I just got my Ryobi drill for Christmas so I'm gearing up! Haha

Re: How to build a shed?

Keep us updated, @KimNorman, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.




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Re: How to build a shed?


Hi @KimNorman


Hay nice  present you got. the the drill/driver the cornerstone of DIY  If you  new to cordless  drills and  drivers get  some practice in on using it before you start on the project 


For your first stage screwing ply strips to metal   consider using.

Buildex 10-24 x 40mm Zinc Plated Countersunk Head Metal Tek Screws - 1000 Box


I/N: 2428907



You  can do this :smile:

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