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How do you fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor?

Finding My Feet

How do you fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor?

Hi, I am seeking practical advice on how to counter water ingress into my garage under the garage roll-a-door where the concrete floor dips away at each side. It is much worse on the right hand side (facing outwards) where the gap is approximately 10mm and it gradually decreases as it moves inwards but there is a visible gap under the rubber for about 350mm. The left hand side isn't as bad. I have a drain running along the front of the garage but when there is a significant downpour, especially with the wind blowing into the garage, the water easily comes in under the door and causes minor flooding in the garage. Once it starts to come in it seems to draw more water as it moves forward.


Also, what type of paint should be used on a concrete floor?


Thank you for your advice.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How do you fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor?



Fighting against wind and heavy rain is difficult to win in those conditions to fully stop the water.


But there is an angled rubber Garage Door Seal that can be glued to you garage floor that the garage door closes on this helps stop a lot of water coming in under the door.

This  rubber  Floor seal can be combined with new rubber seals for the Door seal itself.


Glue this rubber to the cement using Sikaflex pro + sealant as it is strong water proof and flexible as cars might need to drive over it.


If possible use rubber side wings (out of the Garage door seal ) to your garage wall to further contain any water incursions as water often will next try go around the seal.  Cut the rubber at 45 degrees  to make a picture frame  like  join.


Hope this helps



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor

Hello @NAHHA 


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about water ingress in your garage.


Generally speaking, the addition of a small concrete ramp or the creation of a drain channel is the common solution usually suggested. In order for our members to get a better idea of your garages condition, would it be possible for you post a photo of the entrance. We can then make recommendations on how to proceed. We'll also be able to tell if there is a way to divert the water coming towards your garage entrance.


If you need a hand posting the photos, please let me know.




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Finding My Feet

Re: How to fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor

Thank you to Jewelleryrescue and EricL for your responses.


I have uploaded a couple of photos, both internal and external. Even though there is a drain in front of the garage door it cannot cope with the amount of water flowing down the driveway during a downpour and, unfortunately, the drop-off of the slope down the side of the house wasn't gouged out deep enough to get rid of excess water. Therefore, the water backs up against both my front door (and it does seep through the wooden frame - happy for any advice there, too) and the garage door. The gap on the LH side (looking from the outside) is approximately 400mm long and 8mm high at the maximum gap. There is a gap on the RH side but this is minimal and only allows water ingress during maximum downpours (which are happening more often these days).


I have checked out the Garage Door Seal and it would definitely act as a 'levee' i.e. the water level would have to be higher to enter the garage. But I'm concerned that the gap would still be there once it's installed as it would follow the contour of concrete floor so I am happy for any further advice you can provide. I look forward to your replies.Garage door gap - internalGarage door gap - internalGarage door externalGarage door external

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor

Hello @NAHHA 


Thank you for sharing those photos of your driveway. If the deluge is too strong and your Everhard drain is not coping, I can think of two possible options you can try. First, install two more Everhard drains at 500mm intervals. Make the additional drains longer so that it covers the entire length of the driveway. The combination of the three drains will slow down and redirect the water coming down your driveway slope. 


The second option is to install a much larger Everhard drain such as the Everhard Technodrain Pro. It is a much larger drain and can accommodate a larger amount of water.


Here is a link to the Everhard Brochure: Everhard Catalogue.


Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1, @Nailbag and @Jewelleryrescue for their recommendations.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to fix a gap between garage roll-a-door and concrete floor

Good Morning @NAHHA 

Going through the description and photos of the issue, I wonder if something like this Moroday 20mm x 3m D-Shape Rubber to be glued under the base rail of the rollerdoor. You could either go for a piece to cover the two dips either side or all the way across. (tho not confident that if you go all the way across the D will compress at the dips because of teh rise in the middle)


I would liquid nails to attach the rubber to the base of the door. If the rubber is absorbant type rubber (couldnt tell but from memory I dont think it was last time I wander in and had a look, as you do :smile: ) then I would go for something not so absorbant but same idea, something to fill that 8mm gap.





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