Building a Reputation

Has anyone built a liveable shed?

Im posting on behalf of my bro, who has -15 diy ability, but has two teen girls killing each other sharing a bedroom. He's looking at putting in a liveable shed, as can't afford (sole parent) any further house extensions.


The shed won't be attached to any plumbing, and is just meant to be an additional bedroom/escape space for the oldest twin girl.


There's not a lot of builds here for livable sheds, so looking for those that have done them, and the total costs involved. No other buildings on the block aside from the primary residence, and without connected water doesn't require council permission.


So please show me your sheds😁

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Livable Sheds Please!

Hi @sara22au,


I think the issue might be that sheds are deemed uninhabitable spaces, so although I don't have much knowledge in this area and it would be best to contact your local council, you would have to follow codes to turn a shed into a bedroom. Your area council lays down specific standards and legal requirements, so they would be the first point of contact when deciding what is feasible in your area.


Hopefully, if any of our members have achieved a similar project, they'll be more than happy to post their examples.




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Building a Reputation

Re: Livable Sheds Please!

Screenshot_20231230-172136305 (1).jpg

Livable sheds are coded building class 1a, and  as habitable spaces. If water is included, they become granny flats/studios, or "shomes" ,depending on local area laws. There are numerous suppliers of livable sheds online, but no one provides prices!

Which is why I'm asking for anyone who has constructed one, how much it costs, and how easy it is! My diy is sound, so I'd be the one building it, with help, in the Forman position 😁

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Livable Sheds Please!

Hi @sara22au,


Just thought I'd jump in as you hadn't received any responses from the community. 


You might get some inspiration from the backyard studio projects that members have shared on the site. I also wonder whether a caravan might be an option?




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