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Folding table

Hi, I am new here. This is a great community with lots of ideas. 


I have a question which I hope someone with more knowledge and experience can help. I am building a foldable outdoor table. I have the table top done and have wooded legs for them and know how to make them foldable by using a hinge, maybe. However, I am struggling to undertand how I can make the table stand without collapsing once opened. What can I put on the legs or the table to ensure it doesn't shake and fall if the tabled was rocked or shaken, accidentally?


Thanks for your help.

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Community Manager

Re: Folding table

Hi @Shagen,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. Glad to see you've already noticed what a fantastic bunch of clever and creative members we have. We look forward to reading more about your own projects and plans. Feel free to post anytime you need assistance or have something to share with the community.


Let me tag some of our keen woodworkers who might be able to kick off the discussion for you about building your folding table: @Brad, @Rusty-Saw, @gbaker1512, @Johnnynl, @Yorky88, @LePallet, @woodalwaysworks, @r23on, @Poppop


Looking forward to seeing your table project come together. 




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Re: Folding table

Sketch of your ideas of the folding leg would be great to understand where you are hinging from as there are a lot of ideas on how to stabilise and secure the legs

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Folding table

I think the easy way is to cut the top of the legs at an angle so they splay out a bit.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Folding table

Hi @Shagen,


I'd also like to welcome you to the Bunnings Workshop community.


As @r23on mentioned a sketch of the design would allow us to give some specific suggestions for a solution. @Brad has also given some great advice as many folding tables use an angle cut into the end of the table leg to assist rigidity.


There are many stays which can lock table legs into place like this Prestige 240mm Zinc Plated Steel Card Table Stay or Prestige 131mm Lid Support Stay. Some might be labelled as lid stays but could function just as well when used on folding legs.


Please let us know if you need further advice or had questions.




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Re: Folding table


Try googling Table Leg Brace. Depending on the size of your table Bunnings sells them for card tables.


Building a Reputation

Re: Folding table

@Brad I think I like this idea as it is simple but will it be any more unstable if I had wheels?

Building a Reputation

Re: Folding table

Not sure if the drawing makes sense. The legs at each end would fold inwards. But my problem is I’m afraid it may not be stable.


I am building this to place my drop saw and as a general work area.


Amassing an Audience

Re: Folding table

Hi Shagen

as pointed out the stability of the table will be dictated by the size and quality of wheels as a suggestion i would stabilise each leg by bracing each leg this can be done by

some 10mm rod and some 25x25mm angle I will follow up with a drawing later today with a drawing of parts


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Amassing an Audience

Re: Folding table

Hi Shagen

Had bit of a think and based on your sketch I have knocked up a drawing (food for thought) For strength I would go down this line to lock the legs in place

The parts I would use 

Timber will be based on your need 


All sizes based on your needs and I would use two (2) evenly space I forgot if you have your own welding kit you could make your own with some tube, 5mm flat and some 12mm bar

Hope this helps




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