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What toilet can be installed?

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What toilet can be installed?

was hoping to get some advice. We are going to renovate our bathroom. When we took apart come of the cabinetry which concealed the cistern and piping, we got the attached. The problem is that we seem to not be able to push the toilet back to the wall due to space between the outlet and the wall. And moving it over will mean it doesnt align with the outlet.
Can you please let me know what toilet would be suitable and if anything we need to bear in mind? Prevously they had some sort of P trap converted into an S trap?

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Bathroom Toilet

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @tjscott. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about installing a toilet.

All suites have specifications on how far out the outlet can be from the wall. These specifications are found in the products Guides & Documents section of the product page. For instance, the Mondella Concerto Back To Wall Rimless Toilet Suite WELS 4 Star 4.5L/Full recommends the centre of the outlet be positioned 140mm from the wall, though it can accommodate one positioned from 90-180mm from the wall.


You'll need to start by taking a measurement from the wall to the centre of the outlet in the floor. You'll then be able to verify if the toilet of your style choice will suit your oulet.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Re: Bathroom Toilet

Thanks MitchellMc,
the problem in having is that the inlet will need to be higher than 430mm, and the room from the outlet on the floor to the pipes on the side wall is only 60mm, leaving very little space. Was wondering if i need to look at skew toilets to be able to put against the wall due to limited width space.its 140mm from wall to centre of waste outlet on the floor

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Bathroom Toilet

I see @tjscott.


A skew pan is certainly an option, though you'll be left with exposed pipes, which won't look aesthetically pleasing. Timber could be used to enclose them in a boxed section.


Are you redoing your floor tiles? If so, that might be a good opportunity to have the outlet moved over a bit to accommodate a wider variety of pans.





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