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What are these panels in bathroom walls?

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What are these panels in bathroom walls?

I do general maintenance for some units and they all have these panels in the bathroom walls. I'm not a plumber so I'm a bit confused as to their purpose and what they are called. twice now, they've become blocked and leaked over the floor.

thankfully, they are simple enough to unblock but I just don't know anything about them.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: what are these called?

Hi @Ready2go,


That's a tundish, which is a plumbing component used to create an air gap in a drainage system, preventing backflow while allowing visible overflow. It’s commonly installed in bathrooms for appliances like hot water systems or air conditioning condensate drains, ensuring excess water is safely directed into the wastewater system.


This version has a windowed front, allowing visual monitoring of water flow, which allows you to see any water passing through, making it useful for monitoring leaks or overflows.


No, I didn't know that off the top of my head, and yes, I had to Google it.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: what are these called?

well, I feel heaps better now, knowing the purpose of these things and I learnt a new word!

thanks for that

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