Having an Impact

Washing machine on bench top travelling


My husband has a spinal injury, so when we renovated our laundry we put the washer and dryer *on top* of the bench top. It’s fantastic as we don’t have to bend, but we’ve tried everything to stop the washing machine from vibrating and travelling around, and nothing has worked. It’s level, and even anti-vibration pads haven’t helped. It’s shaking everything in the room, and on the other side of the wall in the next room. Before giving up and going back to putting it back on the ground, does anyone have any ideas? One last thing we thought we might try is removing the feet, and replacing them with bolts from the underside of the bench. But I’m not sure that will help at all. I’d really appreciate any advice!! Deb. 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @theparlourroom. Many thanks for your questions I'd be happy to assist.


I believe you have two separate yet linked issues here and unfortunately, they might counteract each other. In order to stop the machines walking around they need to be secured, yet in securing them we will inevitably transfer direct vibrations to the substrate.

Trying to break down the elements of the issues I think we should start with the vibrations, as it is easy for us to fix the units in place and stop them walking. If the units were not vibrating everything in that room and the next room when they were on the floor, then that would indicate the vibration is a direct result of being placed on the benchtop. I'd encourage you to take a look and see how the cupboards are fixed to the wall. If they were not installed specifically to have the machines on top of them then they would be fixed in place with just standard attachments. If machines are to be placed on top of cupboards then additional heavy-duty fixings and mounting points must be utilised.


If the cupboards are not mounted securely to the wall you might find when the machines are operating they produce excessive vibrations. This would be a vibration between the cupboards and the wall. We need to ensure solid mounting points, so check to see if it is just a few screws pinning the cupboard back to the wall. I would suggest several screws directly into the timber frame of the wall.


Once the cupboards are secured sufficiently the walking issue might resolve itself, otherwise, we can look at bolting the machines to the bench or utilising their wall mounting brackets to secure them in place.


Transferring the vibrations to the wall through solid mounting points will be drastically less destructive than the bench vibrating against the wall and hopefully will minimise the effect.


Let me mention some very helpful community members @redracer01 and @Brad to see if they had some thoughts to contribute on the issue.


Please let me know if you need further information or had questions.






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Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

Thank you so much! That is incredibly helpful. We didn’t actually attach the cupboards to the all, which now seems like such an amateur mistake! Your explanation makes so much sense. I’ll bolt it to the wall ASAP, and hopefully that will dramatically help. Thank you again. I really appreciate it! 

Growing in Experience

Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling


I also put my washing machine and dryer  on the bench and I love it. I bought a black non slip mat and put that under the washing machine and it doesn't move at all on the bench. Of course it still vibrates when it spins as it did in the ground. How did you go with the vibration?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @gladice. It's great to have you join us and many thanks for your question.


Let me mention @theparlourroom so they are alerted to your question and hopefully can provide an update on their situation.


Do you happen to recall the type of mat you used as @theparlourroom might find it beneficial in their circumstance?


We look forward to hearing more about the projects around your house and garden and would encourage you to let us know if you ever need assistance or have something to share with the community.




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Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

That’s so great @gladice! How wonderful that it’s working well for you. I still haven’t had a chance to fix our shelves to the wall (I need help to move the heavy machines off the benchtop since my fiancé has a back injury, and I haven’t arranged for anyone to help yet). Thanks for sharing - you give me hope!! I’d love to know the details of the mat if you recall. I ordered one from The Good Guys, but Covid has meant they are out of stock indefinitely ...

Most helpful

Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling





Well done getting the machines up.!

It's not a very common practise so it's hard to get it right straight away and to get advice. I was told I needed to check that the power points were high and the bench was strong. I bought a cupboard kit and bench from bunnings.
I got my black mat from the good guys too and nothing has moved on it at all. Sorry to hear you have to wait for that. I'm pretty sure mine is exactly the same as the one you've ordered. You may be able to pay good guys for the delivery AND installation of that mat and then they would put it under the machine for you. 

Also I now use detergent "pods" that you throw in with the wash instead of the detergent tray with powder.  I also had to clamp the water pipe on the washing machine so that it would keep filling but no other problems since.
I originally bought the black mat for the dryer but then I ended up buying a base for the dryer which screws into the bench and locks the dryer in place and it has a pull out shelf which your partner may benefit from too. It is Bosch specific to that dryer. I would have bought 2 black mats if I didn't get the screw down shelf.

You need a little room between the wall and your machines because when the washing machine spins it gets a good wobble up...which it does on the floor too. My husband has Alzheimers and it is hard to find someone to do a small job like moving heavy things. Hipages sometimes list "handyman". I have sent a couple of photos. All the best. Nice to see your efforts. Once it's sorted you'll be pleased you did it .


Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

Hi @gladice. Thank you for your kind words and advice. Your dryer base is fantastic! It’s great to have something to rest a basket on. My baskets fit perfectly in the drawer underneath, so I use them as a “shelf” when unloading! I’ve been having issues with our machine’s water since I moved it - it comes up with an error message that’s to do with pressure. I think I need to clamp the hose too - did you clamp yours so it doesn’t just go straight down? I think they need to go up first???? Great idea about hipages - I’ve used them before. Thanks again so much. Deb. 

Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling


Re: Washing machine on bench top travelling

That looks like something I can do! Thank you. 

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