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Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

We are always trying to do things on a budget, sometimes it works, sometimes it goes over. But we love to do things to the house & as you all know it is never ending when you start.

I want to revamp my bathroom without replacing boring tiles. The white Knight video was all ok for the walls but I want to know will it work on the floor. I have a horrible sage green small square tile (20cm x 20cm) on the floor & its been there 20 odd years & it is so boring. So I would like to paint it. Will the White Knight Tile Paint work for the floor?? Also what would you seal it with so it wouldn't be slippery. Thanks

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Community Manager

Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

Welcome to the Workshop community @kim00, I'm sure you'll fit right in. We have many members who love sticking to a tight budget! Feel free to post whenever you need a hand.


Let me tag some helpful Workshop members who might be able to assist with your question, such as @Simon@PJA@2Belindas and @ProjectPete


It might also be helpful if you posted a few photos of your bathroom so members can see what you're working with.


BTW, have you seen this previous discussion on Workshop? - Revamping old tiled kitchen floors







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Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

I haven't painted floor tiles before so can't say for sure but I imagine the paint isn't going to hold up over time. I suggest looking at an epoxy coating instead - much harder wearing. The grout lines would probably just need to be leveled with the tiles first. 


Coating like this isn't the cheapest flooring option per sqm but for a small space it'd be fine. It comes in a pretty big range of colours and styles too. You should be looking at around $95/sqm.

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Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

Agree with @ProjectPete Perhaps pick a different type of finish. Every time I've ever seen floor tiles painted, they have scuffed fairly quickly. Its not something I recommend.
Belinda S
Creating a beautiful home on a budget
Amassing an Audience

Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

Pull up the tiles and replace them. Even if you aren't confident enough to do it yourself and pay for a tiler it's worth the expense @kim00. You can get some very affordable plain white floor tiles these days. 

Finding My Feet

Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor


I have spoken to many paint companies over the years and unfortunately no paint company that I know of supplies paint that paints on floor tiles.   There are other ways to do it but in majority of case it voids the warranty of the paint companies.  You would probably be better either putting tiles down or use an exposy coating but must fill in grout lines with a floor filler which you can find in the floor accessory aisle in Bunnings stores.   The tile paint is only to go on wall tiles.

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Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

Thanks for joining in the discussion and sharing your experience @kezza14. I'm sure @kim00 appreciates the input.


A very warm welcome to the Workshop community. We look forward to reading about your own projects and plans. Please post whenever you need assistance or have something to share. 




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Getting Established

Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

thanks everyone for your advice. think I better save up to replace the tiles.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

Let us know how you go @kim00.


You might also find this helpful when it comes to doing the job -


I'll also attach the video below.




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Re: Using tile paint on a bathroom floor

I think that's wise @kim00. Let us know if you need any suggestions when it comes to choosing the tiles.

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