Making a Splash

Updated toilet and floating shelves

Hello people, lockdown has given me the time to give the old loo an overdue  makeover. As the water tank was attached to the wall, the installation of the new loo (from Bunnings) left ugly holes  on show. SOLUTION. I attached a couple of floating shelves to hide the holes. Done!










Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: The new loo

What an excellent make-over @Trying. You must be pleased with the results. I've been painting and refreshing our loo, and it makes a world of difference.


Novel idea to use the shelf to cover the damaged portion of the wall. That would have certainly saved you some work.


Many thanks for sharing.




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Re: The new loo

Thank you for those kind words :smile:

Home Improvement Guru

Re: The new loo

Very well done! Big difference - you must be now proud sitting on the throne. :smile:

Re: The new loo

@Noyade Thank you. Yes, it's a great place to survey my Queendom.😄

Home Improvement Guru

Re: The new loo

I'm doing some painting in a shower/toilet area and would like to know more about floating shelves. In the photo above the shelves appear to be attached to a backing, which is then placed behind the toilet?

But what I'm after is shelving with no visible brackets placed at various heights on the original wall.

The shelves are ex-Bunnings clearance and are solid chipboard - 25mm thick.

Maybe not possible - too heavy?





Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: The new loo

Hi @Noyade 


These Flexi Storage Decorative Shelves are hollow and come with a couple of mounting brackets which is a plate that gets fixed to the wall and a long metal tube that sticks out from the wall. The hollow shelf gets slid onto the tube.


There are these Carinya 100 x 76 x 20mm Adjustable Floating Shelf Brackets, but the minimum shelf thickness is 24mm to accommodate the holes you need to drill in them. Alternatively we do have these Carinya 190 x 38 x 20mm White Floating Shelf Brackets that would be less intrusive than your current brackets.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Home Improvement Guru

Re: The new loo

Many thanks @MitchellMc 

I will 'shelve' this idea and think of something else. 🤔

Home Improvement Guru

Re: The new loo

I really do wanna use these boards to make shelving - but they are thick and heavy and I don't want traditional brackets or having them boxed with sides.

Two cups of coffee and the whiteboard...

Plate and angle-iron steel painted matt black with white boards should look OK? Would it be stable with four large screws per shelf?

The wall facing steel angle will provide plenty of room for anchorage.




Any thoughts welcome. 👍

Home Improvement Guru

Re: The new loo

What a dumb idea.

With weight on the shelves - they will all fold down like a venetian blind?

I got up too early today.  😞

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