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Painting a shower base

hi I need a bit of advice

I want to paint my shower base but am not quite sure what it is made of

it would be about 30 years old if not more

can I use White Knight tub and basin paint on it

as you can see by picture it is in pretty bad condition

replacing it is not an option

can anyone help 



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: painting a shower base

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Jaffa. It's fantastic that you've joined us and many thanks for your question.


It was pointed out by @kirsty4 that this product is not currently featuring on our website and our merchandise team are working on that issue. It is however available in-store. It is not suitable for acrylic shower pans.


We look forward to seeing you rejuvenate your own shower recess and would encourage you to let us know if you need any assistance or would like to share your results.


Please let me know if you need further advice or if you had any questions.




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Re: painting a shower base

I am interested in this discussion. I have a concrete shower floor. Can I use the same paint for that?

That is the White Knight Tub and Basin paint.

There is not much colour left on the concrete.


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: painting a shower base

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Speldy. It's fantastic to have you join us and many thanks for your question.


I've made contact with the White Knight technical team and they have advised that the White Knight 500ml White Tub And Basin Paint is not suitable for application over concrete. Subsequently, I contacted Rust-oleum and they don't recommend their product either.


If the floor is bare concrete then it would be a relatively easy task to tile the surface and we have a fantastic range of tiles to choose from. Alternatively, you might like to consider installing a pre-fab shower base. You should find these step-by-step tutorials helpful: How to tile a shower base and How to install a shower base.


Please let me know if you need further information or had questions.




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Re: painting a shower base

Hi Mitchell,

Thank you for providing this useful info. Can you please suggest me further ? My shower base is in light blue color and in pretty bad shape as you can see in picture however it is still ok to use / not leaking. Can I still use this white paint (White Knight 500ml White Tub And Basin Paint) given the shower base is in light blue colour ? Can this white paint easily hide the original base colour.SHower Base.jpg ur ?

Re: painting a shower base

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @gpsingh100.  It's fantastic to have you join us and many thanks for your question.


The White Knight Tub and Basin paint is certainly suitable for going over your light blue coloured shower base if it is enamel coated. I've used it on my own bathtub, which was a very bright and bold pink colour. The recommended two coats covered the pink with no issues at all. However, I would encourage you to clean that surface thoroughly removing any contaminants on it. I also suggest you rough the surface up with some 120 grit sandpaper, so the paint has something to grip onto.


Please use a 3M Instant Lead Test Kit - 2 Swabs before beginning. This will ensure your safety when sanding the area. I used this lead test kit on my bath and discovered that it was lead-based paint. This allowed me to take appropriate safety measures and wear suitable PPE.


Please let me know if you need further information or had questions.




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Re: painting a shower base

Hi Mitchell,

I am trying to fix my shower base also. Can the White King paint be used on most surfaces? I was told today that it can't be used in the shower base area, but OPs base looks amazing!!

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: painting a shower base

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Redbel10. It's fantastic that you've joined us and many thanks for your question.


It's not advised to use the White Knight product over the newer plastic acrylic shower trays. A magnet can be used to determine if you have an older steel tray or not. If it is a new acrylic plastic tray, then this product is not suitable. 


You might like to post some images of your tray, as in some circumstances, you can polish marks out of the surface.


Please let me know if you have further questions or need assistance.




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Re: painting a shower base

Hi Mitchell,

We are also trying to paint our shower base but can’t work out what type of base it is. We think it’s a concrete base with either acrylic or fibreglass painted over it. Is there a way we can tell?

Also if acrylic or fibreglass, what are our options in repainting the base?





Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: painting a shower base

Hi @Caz01,


Mitchell is taking a well-earned break at the moment, but @EricL will be happy to help with your question when he's back on the site tomorrow.


Welcome to Bunnings Workshop and we look forward to seeing your bathroom renovation.




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Re: painting a shower base

Hi Jason how can I fix fine cracks in an acrylic handbasin an d chips in an acrylic shower base caused by the shower sc been shattering?

Many thanks


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