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Hi I’m new to this forum. I’m trying to replace the damaged side panel myself. Do I have to remove vanity top first in order to replace the side panel? Does anyone has any steps by steps instructions how to remove and replace the side panel?
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @Converter. It's marvellous to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing a vanity.
Are you replacing the whole side panel or just the thin laminate coating on it? Either way, you'd likely have to move the whole cabinet out to access the side panel. If you intend to only replace the laminate sheet, they are typically applied with heat from an iron, so you'd need the side exposed to iron the laminate on. Just so you know, I am not aware of any replacement laminate sheet products.
Although it will be tricky, you might be able to apply contact adhesive up and under the current laminate with a brush. You could then push the laminate back down against the side panel to glue it in position. Ensure surfaces are clean and dry. Apply to both surfaces and spread evenly, making sure surfaces are completely covered. Keep surfaces apart until adhesive is almost dry – approximately 15 minutes, no more than 30 minutes. When edges are perfectly aligned, work from one edge, pressing the surfaces firmly together, and the product will grab immediately. Since the laminate is particularly curled away from the surface, you can tape it in place while the glue sets.
There are no instructions I am aware of for replacing a side panel, as all vanities are constructed differently.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Mitchell
Thanks for your time and response to my question.
I'm planning to replace the whole side panel and as the damage is now beyond repairable.
Hello @Converter
Each of our vanity suppliers have their own assembly methods. Some use a cam and toggle system. Others use glue, dowels and screws. It's never standardised and it's difficult to tell how a vanity is put together. The only way to find out is to literally take it apart.
Getting a replacement panel that can withstand high moisture and handle the occasional splash is difficult at best. Again, there is no standard replacement panel for a vanity. I suggest replacing the vanity with an Estilo 900mm Vinyl Wrap Freestanding Vanity - Cabinet Only or similar.
Let me call on our experienced members @Dave-1 and @JoeAzza for their recommendations.
Good morning @Converter
Welcome to the Bunnings page Hopefully you will find answers to questions you dont even know of yet
I certainly do.
First question, can you show us a photo of the inside of the cupboard. The panel reminds me of a "facing" panel that I have installed on my kitchen. That means its just screwed to the existing carcus of the cupboard as a fancy end. (screwed from the inside to outside)
A replacement end panel (Once you have figured out how and if possible to stop it getting constantly wet) Id suggest something glossy and sealed all over. Id also be temped to trim the top side that fits under the bench to give even more clearance to the floor so there so no chance of it getting wet.
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