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How to repair peeling bathtub?

Hi Bunnings Workshop,

Do you have any tips on how to repair a peeling bathtub? Here are some images below.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Repair peeling bathtub

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @nishthay. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about fixing a bathtub.


Firstly, I want you to be aware that due to the vintage of your tub, there is a very high chance of at least one of the layers of paint being lead-based. All caution should be used and appropriate PPE worn. I'd recommend you pick up one of these lead test kits. I used one on my bathtub before repairing it and found lead present. Given the creation of lead-bearing dust in the repair process, it's essential to know what you're dealing with.


There's no easy solution to repairing this damage, so you might like to look at replacing the tub completely. You could complete a make-shift repair, though it will be noticeable and could potentially fail in the future. To complete an adequate repair, you really need to chase back all that peeling paint with a scraper to an area where it is not compromised. It would be best if you sanded the area, so the edge of the flaked paint is blended and not noticeable. You can then scuff up the rest of the paint on the bathtub and apply tub paint.


The reason for recommending that you consider a new tub is that the cost of the appropriate paint alone will be well on the way to the tub cost. Obviously, you'll then have the cost of the installation, but that's also offset by the cost of brushes, rollers, drop sheets, your time and the fact that you'll have a new tub and not a painted repaired tub.


I've completed the repair that you are looking at myself, and I will say it took some work to get good results. The tub has been great for the past few years and is still functional. However, I am now noticing some paint coming off again, and it could do with another coat of paint. I went above and beyond with preparation and sanded back the entire tub instead of just performing a repair to the damaged section. Given this, I would prefer to replace the tub and have 20+ years of a perfect bathtub.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Re: Repair peeling bathtub

Thank you so much for your helpful reply @MitchellMc 

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