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How to repair acrylic shower floor crack?

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How to repair acrylic shower floor crack?

Got a small crack in my Acrylic shower base. I checked for any water bubbles or water weeping inside but it doesn't look like any of that. Need suggestions for DIY kits or DIY solutions for fixing this.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Acrylic Shower floor crack repair

Hi @Nishantk,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community it is fantastic to have you with us.


Is there any movement if you put weight on the crack? 


If so, then a repair may not last very long as the shower base will flex and crack out any filler. If this is the case, unfortunately, your best option is to replace the shower base, which will require the assistance of a plumber.


If there is minimal movement, then you can use this PC-11 56g White Epoxy Paste to fill the cracks. Roll it into a thin sausage shape, then press it into the crack and strike off the excess. Once dry, lightly sand the epoxy paste to give a nice smooth repair.


As the paste is white, it may be fine without any additional steps, but if it stands out clearly, you might like to paint it using a fine craft brush.


Let me know what you think and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Re: Acrylic Shower floor crack repair

Hi @Nishantk 



You will first need to stop the cracks spreading you will need to drill 4 mm holes at the very end of crack line plus a 1 cm 


This is how they start repairing aircraft noncritical panel damage.  The crack enters the hole and stops as the dynamics of the circle distributes forces evenly around the circle and has no exit point and there for stops the crack spread.


After that follow @JacobZ  s repair advice on patching the crack itself.


Ultimately replacing the base would be preferred and look the best and them you can add cement to bed the new base properly with no movement in future. But that may mean lifting shower screens and a whole lot more possibly


Repair options Continued


While your drilling holes consider drilling a 10mm hole at the major crack intersection for a different reason.

The 10mm hole will allow a caulking gun nozzle to fit through it I would pump a whole tube of silicon through it to form a bed to support the base from moving further assuming that the floor is close under it for the filler to fill.


Do all the above and 

Using thick 15mm large format tiles silicone down (not tile glued) will distribute the people's weight across a larger area and should survive the weight and smaller flex.  So, silicone tile and silicone grout the insides of the floor once the floor is epoxide with no leaks, this will also waterproof somewhat.


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