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How to repair Hardie board surface?

Just Starting Out

How to repair Hardie board surface?

Hardie board sheets ceiling. Several bubbles appeared probably due to the rising heat from the BBQ which has now been moved. Bubbles removed, which was the original surface of the hardie board but has now left a slight indent in surface where each bubble was. What is the best Bunnings product to fill the indents back to a flush surface ready to paint.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: hardie board surface repair

Hi @brengun 



I would use Gyprock CSR multipurpose joint compound


It is quite inexpensive and stays fresh for other dent repairs etc.   Best of all non-shrink and easy to sand by hand or machine down to a feather edge.


Other fillers out there  just as good too. :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: hardie board surface repair

Hi @brengun,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


@Jewelleryrescue has already provided the advice I would have given.


The Gyprock CSR 2.25kg Less Mess Multi-Purpose Joint Compound is a fantastic general-purpose plaster compound that will be perfect for this application.


Give the plaster compound a good mix before applying it with a plaster knife. You're aiming for the plaster to be smooth and sit perfectly flush with the surrounding areas. Once dry, give it a sand with a sanding sponge before painting.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




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