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How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Just Starting Out

How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Recently moved house and attached drain hose to drilled out spigot as shown in pic. Front load washing machine does drain and clothes aren’t sopping wet but definitely not spinning enough water out. Is the hose attached to correct spigot?  There is also a hole at top of sink which I assume i could also attach drain hose to ? I’ve already checked washing machine filter is clear. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @jadcar. We're pleased to have you join us. 


Let me tag helpful member @TedBear to see if he can kick off this discussion for you in the absence of our resident Bunnings D.I.Y. expert @JacobZ, who is currently offline due to Queensland's wild weather.




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Community Megastar

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Afternoon @jadcar 

There shouldnt be a problem but you are going to a much smaller fitting. One reason for a washing machine not to fully empty  could be that the water isnt getting a chance to exit in the time frame the machine is spinning due to that fitting size. The hole on top of the sink is the drain location for the washing machine usually. You could join the waste pipe from the washing machine to that pipe instead of it going to the top of the sink. 


The other reason that a washing machine may not drain as well as it should could be because the filter of the washing machine (mines located at bottom front for instance) 



Just Starting Out

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Thanks Dave. It’s not the filter I’ve already checked this.  So do you think it would be better to plug up the spigot  and try putting hose in hole at top of sink? I was going to try this but the drain cap I purchased at Bunnings is too small (it’s labelled dishwasher waste outlet cap) 

Community Megastar

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Afternoon @jadcar 

The washing machine hose looks like its long enough that it would fit into the sink as a test, why not run a cycle and see if the hose exiting into that waste hole at the back empties the washing machine? It would be one way to test before going to the hassel of switching things around.



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Hi @jadcar,


Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.


I think @Dave-1's advice of trying it through the drainage hole in the top of the laundry unit is the way to go.


You should also ensure the hose is not kinked, as this can restrict the flow considerably.


Give this a try and let us know how you go. I'm happy to assist further if required.




Cultivating a Following

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Make sure you have drill a hold where your washing machine connected. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: How to fix washing machine not draining enough?

Hi @jadcar , I agree with the suggestions so far, but I'd suggest that you see if the machines drains ok by sitting the pipe on a floor drain if you have one. That way you can see that the water is  coming out and at a reasonable rate. The other thing to recheck is that the spigot has been drilled out to the full diameter. My machine outlet hose looks like yours, goes to a spigot the same size and works just fine.

It seems odd that the spinner isn't drying the clothes properly. If it was draining that's the issue then you'd expect to see water backed up at bottom of the washing chamber when you open the machine.

If water isn't visible then it must be exiting enough for the clothes to have spun dry & it could be that the selected spin cycle is too short, or perhaps the machine is being overloaded?

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