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How to fix shower screen that wont close?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: shower screen wont closr

Hi @brinkley,


Thank you for your post.


I'll start by saying that any work conducted around glass should be done with extreme caution as it can shatter. It may be worth contacting a suitably qualified glazier as they are experienced in handling and repairing this sort of issue. Any work around glass should be done with the correct personal protective equipment including enclosed shoes, gloves, eye protection, long sleeved shirts and long pants.


With this being said, it looks like the handle side of the shower screen has dropped. This would indicate that there is some movement on the hinge side of the shower screen. Can you carefully inspect and take some photos of the hinge at both the base and the top of the shower screen as this may shed some light on the cause for the problem.


Let me know how you go.




Re: shower screen wont closr




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: shower screen wont closr

Hi @brinkley,


Is this piece I have circled in red attached to anything?



It looks like a piece of material that glaziers often use to pack their glass level in spigots such as this one. If this is not attached to anything, I would suggest this may have come out from underneath the right side of this hinge. It may be a simple case of carefully loosening the screws, lifting the handle side of the door slightly and placing this piece back underneath the glass, to pack the glass out level before retightening the screw to hold the glass firm in place. 


Like I've said before, glass can be dangerous so I would advise getting a helping hand if you'd like to carry out this fix yourself.


Let me know how you go.




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