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How to fix damaged ceiling?

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How to fix damaged ceiling?


 Hi I am new to this group. Due to poor ventilation this celling started to get mold.I have used the mold cleaner to clean the celling. But after couple of months it has started to peel off . Guys How will be cost to repair this damage. I just want to know because how much will be the quote kind of this project. (I am expecting a quote from my property manager but i assume it can be high quote that she might send) 

Thank you guys

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: peeling the celling

Hi @geeshan 


Your mention Property manager are you renting?  If so them this repair bill goes to the property owner as it wasnt caused by you .It is up to the owner to solve the moisture issue to avoid further repair  bills.


But the cost of repair would be around $300 -$500.  Repainting ceiling with a good paint. Take the ceiling access hatch down and clean it or replace it and repaint.


If possible, they should install a larger extraction fan to work better in that location without knowing what's above that ceiling.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: peeling the celling

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @geeshan. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about repairing a ceiling.

Peeling to this extent is usually not caused by excessive moisture alone unless it's been an ongoing issue for many years. It likely points to the fact that the paint didn't bond properly to the underlying coat. This could happen if the ceiling wasn't adequately primed or if it was just a quick fix, with new paint applied over an untreated surface to make it look better temporarily.


The cost to repair this properly would involve scraping off all the degraded paint, sanding the ceiling, patching any damaged areas with filler, priming, and then recoating. For a professional to do this, you might be looking at a cost of around $500 - $1,000, depending on the size of the ceiling and your location.


If you were after a quicker, more budget-friendly fix, it might involve sanding down the damaged areas and then applying a fresh coat of paint. This could cost closer to $200 - $400. However, it's important to bear in mind that this was likely the fix used previously and you should expect a similar thing to happen in the future.


I'd suggest getting a couple of quotes to compare costs, but a professional fix will usually cost more as it involves more preparation work.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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