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How to fix chipped acrylic bath in gloss white?

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How to fix chipped acrylic bath in gloss white?

Hi there, I accidentally chipped my bath while trying before installing. It's freestanding acrylic bath - in gloss white colour.


I have got the chip that broke off.


Please suggest me thr best product to glue/fix the chipped part




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Product to fix chipped acrylic bath in gloss white

Hello @sud 


I suggest having a look at Selleys 3g Super Glue Adjustable Gel.  It sets in 30 seconds, allowing time for you to adjust and perfectly align their break. It's easy to use, requires no mixing and offers excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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