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How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Growing in Experience

How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Hi. I have an old adjustable shower arm that suddenly stopped staying in position. It moves at the swivel (arrow in pic). Is there a way to tighten it up again or do I need to replace it?


Community manager's note: Check out How to change a shower head for expert advice.




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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Hi @Rdonair 


That might be the locking grub screw for the arm when it's connected to the wall. I suggest giving it a test and removing it, if the arm comes off then its purpose is for wall mounting, but if the arm becomes even more loose then it might be the key to making it tight again.


Please give it a test and let us know if there are any changes.




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Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Will try it in the morning. Thank you 😁

Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Hi. I’ve undone the screw underneath - it is the lock for the wall mount. The shower arm comes apart in the middle, but I suspect it should not. Protruding bolt in pic 2 should screw into receptacle in the other end, but does not reach & is loose and feels like it may have snapped at the base. I need to find  a new arm that will fit the fitting in pic 3. All suggestions welcome😁IMG_4165.jpeg



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Hi @Rdonair,


I would presume that the fitting left on your wall should unscrew from it, as it's a proprietary fitting for that particular arm. Once you've removed this fitting from the wall, it should reveal a standard threaded copper fitting, which is the universal connection method for all showerheads. If you check out this guide on How to change a shower head, you'll see the fitting I am referring to in Step 2.




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Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Thanks MitchellMc. Will try it😁

Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Thanks everyone for your help. I’ve replaced the shower arm, learned a lot, and appreciate this forum. Thanks also to Bunnings and Reece Plumbing Innisfail in tropical north Queensland😁

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?

Hi @Rdonair 


Any chance you can post a photo of the new shower arm? I'm sure our members would be keen to see what it looks like.






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Growing in Experience

Re: How to fix a shower arm that won't stay in position?


 Hi Eric

Here it is. It’s way more modern than the old one, position adjustable at both ends, and the head has three settings to adjust the water flow. Took me about 30 minutes to install, and it was great to learn some things along the way. Thanks for your help 😁

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