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How to add sliding doors to laundry under bench?

Just Starting Out

How to add sliding doors to laundry under bench?

Hi, complete novice here just contemplating a laundry renovation. 

Let's jump forward and assume I have my base cabinets installed and deep benchtop added, with three open spaces reserved for washing machine, dryer, and a small freezer.  Is it at all feasible to somehow add a track mounted either under the benchtop, or perhaps on a piece of timber running under the benchtop, and make some sliding doors that will allow me access to all appliances (not at the same time obviously) but also be able to slide closed afterwards to look more uniform? I have been looking and find lots about barn door sliding kits, stackers for huge glass doors or wardrobe doors, but I'm unsure if any of these options are something I could utilise in th above project. Ideally I'd prefer not to need a bottom track, although if necessary it would be possible. 


I hope that made sense, apologies if not. Thanks for reading :smile:

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to add sliding doors to laundry under bench

Hi @gumdrop,


A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community and thank you for your question.


What you're proposing seems possible using a Cowdroy 1800mm White Plastic Sliding Door Track. This track is typically designed for use with glass up to 5mm thick, but I can't see any reason you couldn't use it with 4mm Plywood as your doors.


Unfortunately, I can't see an option without a bottom track that would work .


Let me know what you think.




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