Making a Splash

How often do you clean the bathroom?

bathroom after homepage slider 960x495.jpg Like most people, I do not enjoy cleaning. But I do love a clean bathroom.


How often do you clean your bathroom?


Do you just do it whenever you have a spare moment or stick to a cleaning schedule?

Amassing an Audience

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

Once a week. 


I don't clean the bath every week though. Perhaps I should according to this...


"The toilet has a reputation as one of the dirtiest areas of a bathroom, but according to new research, it’s got nothing on your bathtub. Elizabeth Scoot, co-director of the Centre for Hygiene and Health in Home and Community at Simmons College in Boston, compared the bacteria she found on baths to garbage bins. You’ll want to read these findings before you take a bath. Scoot found skin infection-causing bacteria in 26 per cent of baths tested, compared with just 6 per cent of garbage bins. Yes, your bathtub is officially grubbier than the trash. The verdict: Clean your bathtub as often as your toilet – ideally every week."

Making a Splash

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

I give our bathroom a quick general clean every week. We leave a squeegee in the shower and tend to give the glass a wipe every few days. I do a proper clean (bath scrub etc) probably once a month. Our bathroom is rather small so isn't too hard to maintain.

Making a Splash

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

Once per week for a proper clean. I wipe down the vanity/sink most days.

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

That's why I got married.............

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

When we moved in the bathroom was newly renovated, but unfortunately doesn't have any windows that open. So we are pretty conscious of keeping it well ventilated and clean. I like to do a proper clean every 2nd week but in between after a shower we squeegee down the walls and screen. I also keep a cloth in the bathroom just to run over the basin and sink every now and again.
Having an Impact

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

Bathroom gets a spruce up with vinegar each time its used.

Toilet same,  keep germs to minimum by always having toilet set down when flushing

and then a quick going over once a week. - but I have a small bathroom - no glamour there,  just in and out

Amassing an Audience

Re: How often do you clean the bathroom?

There's some bathroom cleaning tips here -


I was most interested by this - Start the deep clean process by pouring a cup of bicarb soda down the toilet bowl. I typically just use Domestos. Anyone else use bicarb for cleaning the toilet?

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