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Fix gap between shower and bath

Just wondering the best way around fix this gap between shower panel and tiled bath. It collects dirt and is difficult to clean. Do i need to install a new shower or is there something that I can cover it with


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: gap between shower and bath

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @TJM. It's great to have you join us and many thanks for your questions.


Did you want to permanently seal the area and if so have you considered that mold might build upon the rear side of the glass where you will no longer be able to clean? You could use a plastic moulding such as Icon Plastics 16 x 38 x 1mm 3.6m Flashing Mould and adhere it over the gap with Selleys 300g Wet Area Waterproof Silicone Sealant Clear. That would close the gap up and stop dust and debris falling down there.


I'd be interested to know if you can see that area from inside the shower, as condensation will build up in the enclosed space and possible look unsightly.




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