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we just moved into a new house that only has a shower, with a toddler who hates getting his head wet. Not a great combo.
So I’m looking to change the shower head as it is currently a pretty old rain shower head, so a hand held shower head or a more adjustable shower head might be preferable with the 2 year old!
My question is, are all shower heads replaceable? Can I replace mine (photos attached) and by myself possibly? And if yes, can I replace it at the wall? Or does it have to be on the end of the pipe (excuse me if my lingo is wrong, I’m new to all this).
thank you for any help and advice you are able to give!
Hi @elzicorn
1 The round shower head will unscrew and is readialy replacable.
2 The hose pipe coming out of the wall is also unscrewable and interchangable with other shower accessories.
A couple of ideas to get you started,
The simplest solution is a single function hand set, Unscrew the pipe out of the wall . Then screw on the following and you get a hand shower that hangs on the wall on a bracket and sprays like a shower and if you wish you can un hook it and use it in you hand. Click the link and have a look.
There are more expensive twin over head shower, and a hand wand that has a diverter tape the either the overhead shower or operate the hand shower wand, This screws in your current wall out let once you take the old pipe off. They have more types and colour.
Talk to the bunnings tool section about a good tool to use for the insulation task
There are many showers avaliable that will suit your needs that will fit perfectly on your standard shower wall outlet.
Hi @elzicorn,
A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.
It's great to see you've already received advice from our knowledgeable member @Jewelleryrescue.
His advice is absolutely correct, you can change just the shower head with something like this Estilo Chrome Square Shower Head WELS 3 Star 9L/min or you can also remove the pipe and use something like this Flexispray 5 Function Pulsar Hand Shower WELS 3 Star Rated 9L/min.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
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