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since 3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Finding My Feet
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Finding My Feet
1 reply
3 weeks ago

Thank you so much for the open information!

Finding My Feet
4 replies
3 weeks ago

Hi Nailbag, can you point me to the product you used as the battens/palings what type of timber it was. As you used 40x40 (x400) some products and pri ...

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Amassing an Audience
2 replies
3 weeks ago

Morning @Oneofus My apologies your question highlighted a few errors in my post which I'll get rectified. The couple of battens I measured for my ...

Amassing an Audience
7 replies

Once the house renovations were complete, the next job was the outside starting with the front. First we ripped up the old driveway brick pavers and r ...

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Finding My Feet
1 reply
3 weeks ago

Thank you so much for the open information!

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Amassing an Audience
7 replies

Once the house renovations were complete, the next job was the outside starting with the front. First we ripped up the old driveway brick pavers and r ...

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